Professional Services

Extension and Outreach Professional Services
By offering technical services to both individuals and industry professionals, the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources continues to create a sustainable future where the needs of the current generation are met without jeopardizing the needs of future generations in one of North Carolina’s top five industries.
- The NC State Cooperative Tree Improvement Program (TIP) genetically manipulates and breeds loblolly pines to increase the productivity and value of forests. Cooperative members have access to genetic data, facilities, research and expert knowledge of superior loblolly pines.
- Southern Forest Resource Assessment Consortium (SOFAC) is a group that develops forest sector market models for application to forest resources assessments regionally in the South and globally.
- From Regional Supply Assessment to Land Use Change Summaries to Sustainability Estimates, the Fiber Analytics Assessment program for woody biomass provides both public and private clients with detailed comprehensive fee-for-service assessments that meet specific needs.