FER Graduate Fellowship Awards
The following fellowships are awarded every year to outstanding graduate students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources. Awards carry prestige and a cash award of $500 each.
The Namkoong Family Graduate Fellowship promotes scholarship and ethics in forestry and conservation. Dr. Gene Namkoong was awarded the Marcus Wallenberg Prize for his contributions to quantitative population genetics, tree breeding, and management of genetic resources. Factors considered: performance in coursework, research accomplishments, success as a teaching assistant, service and involvement in departmental and professional affairs. Available to full-time graduate students who have been in residence for at least one year in any degree program in the department.
2020 Winner: Omoyemeh Ile, MS Student, Forestry (John King, advisor)
The Arthur W. Cooper Graduate Fellowship recognizes excellence in the social sciences. The fellowship is named to honor Dr. Art Cooper, former department head, and his many professional accomplishments. Available to all graduate students who have been in residence at least one full semester in any degree program in the department.
2020 Winner: Will Casola, Ph D Student, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (Nils Peterson, advisor)
The Charles B. Davey Graduate Fellowship honors excellence in the biological sciences. The fellowship is named to honor Dr. Chuck Davey, former department head, and his many professional accomplishments. Available to all graduate students who have been in residence at least one full semester in any degree program in the department.
2020 Winner: Lauren Pharr, MS Student, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (Caren Cooper, advisor)
FER faculty members have donated personal funds to create an endowment to recognize ability and potential for distinction in teaching, independent research, and/or extension by FER graduate students. These Forestry and Environmental Resources Faculty Fellowships for Excellence in Graduate Education (FERFFEGE – try saying that three times fast) promote and reward scholarship and service. This award favors students who have demonstrated scholarship and service in the department, college, university, or professional society. Scholarship can manifest itself in classroom teaching, discovery, or the process of applying knowledge. We will award one to a masters student and one to a Ph.D. student.
2020 Winners: Meredith Hovis, PhD Student, Forestry and Environmental Resources (Fred Cubbage, advisor)
Murry Burgess, MS Student, Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology (Caren Cooper, advisor)