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Bethany Suarez: How Biotechnology Could Help Save Hemlock Trees

Have you ever visited an area around the Appalachian Mountains? If so, then you have probably encountered a hemlock tree. These trees are massive, beautiful, and are so valuable to forests around the eastern United States. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that these trees will go extinct. My internship experience has allowed me to study these amazing trees in a laboratory that is working towards conserving the hemlocks and other tree species. Earlier this year, I had the incredible opportunity to assist with research at the Forest Biotech Group at NC State. I started my training at the beginning of the year, and I unfortunately had to put everything on pause for several months due to COVID-19. After a long wait, I was finally able to return to the FBG in September to continue helping with research.

My primary responsibilities involve working inside of the laboratory. I assist a graduate student with her research on somatic embryogenesis of different species of Christmas trees, specifically eastern hemlock and Carolina hemlock, which grow in the Appalachian region. Hemlock trees are currently in danger of extinction due to an invasive species called the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). There have been many efforts by conservationists to preserve and protect these trees, but they have no natural resistance to HWA.

Biotechnology is a promising solution to the issue of hemlock restoration. By using genetic engineering, it is possible to insert DNA from another species into the eastern and Carolina hemlocks. Chinese hemlocks, for example, have more natural resistance to HWA, so by editing the genes of our native trees, we could possibly engineer them to have more tolerance against the invasive pest. These genetic changes could be a game changer in terms of survival for hemlocks. Incorporating biotechnology into conservation is one of the main focuses of the FBG, and taking care of the tree cultures at the lab is one of my top priorities.

Hemlock and other tree species such as Fraser Fir are grown in the lab. The embryogenic cells are kept on top of growth medium in small, petri-dish like plates that are sealed to reduce the risk of contamination. One of the first things we did in the lab was separate some of the cell cultures into new plates, which I am now responsible for keeping up with. Maintaining the tree cultures is a relatively simple task until it’s time for them to be transferred, which happens every three weeks. The cultures have to be transferred because they slowly use all of the nutrients in their growth medium, and they have to be relocated to new plates with new medium on a regular basis.

I place the cultures underneath a hood that constantly circulates sterile air when turned on. The most important thing to keep in mind when handling the cell cultures is to avoid contamination. I must be very careful not to touch my face, hair, or clothing. I always have to wear gloves and also spray down the bench, hood, and my hands and arms with alcohol to kill any germs.

Before I open the plates, I label the new plates with all the information and dates so that it is easier to keep organized. Once everything is labeled, I begin transferring. I must be careful to work underneath the hood and not hover over any of the open plates, as this can increase the risk of contamination. If a plate is contaminated, the culture can no longer be used. The tweezers that I use to handle the cultures have to also be sanitized through heat after each use, and they must cool before they can be used a second time. Once all the plates are transferred to new medium, they must be wrapped in parafilm to keep germs out.

Another task that I do periodically is create the growth medium that goes inside of the plates. This growth medium is a clear gel that contains all the nutrients that the cell cultures need to develop and grow. Making the hemlock growth medium is a long process that involves measuring out dry ingredients and wet ingredients, and then adding them to a beaker that is constantly stirring on low heat. Once the ingredients are all added, I adjust the pH of the solution. A gelling agent is added, and then it is placed in an autoclave where it is heated to a temperature that kills any contaminants. There is a small window of time to add the finished solution to the plates, because it must be cool enough to handle but warm enough to keep it from solidifying. Once the plates have cooled, they are ready to be used.

Overall, I am incredibly grateful to the Forest Biotech Group for allowing me to assist one of their students as well as maintain some of the tree cultures. I have learned so much about how biotechnology can play a huge role in conservation. Working at this laboratory gives me a lot of hope for the future, that there are new technologies being developed that can protect endangered species in ways that we have not been able to do before.

The most important lesson I have learned is that you should never underestimate your capacity to learn a new skill. Starting this experience was completely out of my comfort zone, and at first, I struggled to find where I fit. I did not think I could work in a lab and contribute to research because I had never done anything like that before. This experience has taught me so much about myself and my own capabilities as a future scientist, and I have enjoyed having a place to develop the skills of working inside of a laboratory. Conservation is one of my biggest passions, so I am looking forward to learning as much as I can at the Forest Biotech Group.