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Awards and Honors

Jashira poses on balcony - Jashira Torres-Pabon Awarded Knauss Fellowship -Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jul 24, 2020

Jashira Torres-Pabón Awarded Knauss Fellowship

Jashira Torres-Pabón’s story is one of sheer determination and resilience. A spring 2020 NC State University graduate, she rose above a struggling economy in her homeland of Puerto Rico. She came to NC State as a non-degree seeking student, where she had to prove herself to become a graduate student. Torres-Pabón not only earned her master’s degree…

May 4, 2020

FER Graduate Fellowship Awards

The following fellowships are awarded every year to outstanding graduate students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.  Awards carry prestige and a cash award of $500 each. The Namkoong Family…

Jan 10, 2020

An Inside View: Environmental Education

Internships in environmental education are fairly easy to find, but can these positions lead to more than a summer job? Informal educators interact with audiences in a variety of institutions…

Oct 1, 2019

An Inside View: Working for a State Agency

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality is one of the popular state agencies Forestry and Environmental Resources students seek employment. From the mountains to the coast, NC DEQ has offices…

Apr 17, 2019

FER Professor Wins NSF Grant for Project Studying Agricultural Land Use

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources Professor, Dr. Erin Sills, was recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program for her research, “Land-Climate-Water…

sustainability awards - Meet Winners of NC State’s 2019 Sustainability Awards - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Apr 3, 2019

Meet Winners of NC State’s 2019 Sustainability Awards

Here are this year's honorees for outstanding sustainability achievements.