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Graduate Student Profiles

Deja Perkins with Barn Swallow bird - Graduation to Vocation: Connecting Environmental Justice and Birding - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Nov 24, 2020

Graduation to Vocation: Connecting Environmental Justice and Birding

Deja Perkins explores how environmental and social justice impacts birding and wildlife.

Tira Beckham - Global Change Fellow Tira Beckham is Studying Socio-Political Boundaries to Climate Resilience - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Nov 18, 2020

Global Change Fellow Tira Beckham is Addressing Socio-Political Barriers to Climate Resilience

As a Global Change Fellow, Beckham hopes to promote equitable governance and communication with vulnerable communities.

Oct 15, 2020

Introducing this year’s FER Global Change Fellows

Each year, graduate students passionate about climate change impacts can participate in an inclusive, supportive program as a Global Change Fellow. The Global Change Graduate Fellows Program is a multi-disciplinary…

Jashira poses on balcony - Jashira Torres-Pabon Awarded Knauss Fellowship -Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jul 24, 2020

Jashira Torres-Pabón Awarded Knauss Fellowship

Jashira Torres-Pabón’s story is one of sheer determination and resilience. A spring 2020 NC State University graduate, she rose above a struggling economy in her homeland of Puerto Rico. She came to NC State as a non-degree seeking student, where she had to prove herself to become a graduate student. Torres-Pabón not only earned her master’s degree…

Deja Perkins birding - On How #BlackBirdersWeek Celebrated Black Naturalists, Birders - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jun 5, 2020

On How #BlackBirdersWeek Celebrated Black Naturalists, Birders

Deja Perkins, a graduate student from NC State, helped launch #BlackBirdersWeek to celebrate Black naturalists, birders.

kierra poses outside - Graduation to Vocation: Improving Environmental and Human Health - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jun 4, 2020

Graduation to Vocation: Improving Environmental and Human Health

College of Natural Resources graduate Kierra Christie's passion is enhancing environmental and human health. Read more about her journey.

May 4, 2020

FER Graduate Fellowship Awards

The following fellowships are awarded every year to outstanding graduate students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.  Awards carry prestige and a cash award of $500 each. The Namkoong Family…

Mar 16, 2020

Cardinal Capture Project

Cardinal Capture: researching potential effects of Urban Noise and Light Pollution on Avian Health  Past studies have observed numerous effects of noise and light pollution on neighboring wildlife in urban…

Apr 10, 2019

Grad Student Profile – Luis Ibarra

Luis Ibarra is working on a PhD in Forestry and Environmental Resources under the direction of Dr. Gary Hodge in CAMCORE. His interests in forestry stem from a childhood in…

Mar 4, 2019

Grad Student Profile – Kyle Goeke Dee

Grad Student Profile – Kyle Goeke Dee I grew up just outside of Washington, D.C. in northern Virginia. Growing up in the suburbs adjacent to a large city, my exposure…