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Cat with GPS tracking device on collar - Keeping Cats Indoors Could Blunt Adverse Effects to Wildlife -Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Mar 11, 2020

Keeping Cats Indoors Could Blunt Adverse Effects to Wildlife

Domestic cats have large, detrimental impacts on local wildlife, according to a new study.

Four cats at food bowls - Cat Food Mystery Foils Diet Study - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Feb 28, 2020

Cat Food Mystery Foils Diet Study

Cat food turns out to be something of a mystery.

Bee Tent - These Tiny Tents Are Bee Research At Work - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Feb 20, 2020

These Tiny Tents Are Bee Research At Work

The tiny tents you see around NC State’s campus this semester are pollinator research in progress.

Christmas tree farm in North Carolina - UAVs and Christmas Trees: New Research to Help NC Growers Benefit From Drone Technology - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Dec 17, 2019

UAVs and Christmas Trees: New Research to Help NC Growers Benefit From Drone Technology

A new partnership between NC State’s Christmas Tree Extension Team and Center for Geospatial Analytics will test how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) can help NC Christmas tree growers more efficiently monitor tree size and health.

Airboat near fire in Everglades National Park - Custom Geospatial Tool Helps National Park Service Better Predict Fire Risk on Florida's River of Grass - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Dec 5, 2019

Custom Geospatial Tool Helps National Park Service Better Predict Fire Risk on Florida’s River of Grass

In the Everglades’ vast wetlands, fire spread depends on water levels. A custom geospatial tool created at the Center for Geospatial Analytics is helping the National Park Service quickly and easily map water levels––and better manage fires––across south Florida.

A person interacts with Tangible Landscape while another person looks on - In the Battle Against a Spreading Forest Disease, Strategy Matters - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Nov 25, 2019

In the Battle Against a Spreading Forest Disease, Strategy Matters

Predicting and controlling the spread of disease requires the right geospatial tools. At a recent gathering of the Oregon Sudden Oak Death Task Force, over thirty representatives of government, academia, nonprofit groups and the timber industry experimented with two Center for Geospatial Analytics technologies that can help them do just that.

Nov 13, 2019

Renewable Energy Is Key To Stopping Climate Change But Poses Challenge For Wildlife Conservation

NC State professor Chris Moorman examines the environmental impacts of renewable energy development in his recently published book, “Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation.”

Gene Drive - Public Support for Gene Drives in Agriculture Tied to Limits - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Sep 11, 2019

Public Support for Gene Drives in Agriculture Tied to Limits

First public survey on agricultural gene drives shows consumer support – within limits.

Bumble Bee - Children Prefer Faraway Wildlife to Local Nature - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jul 30, 2019

Children Prefer Faraway Wildlife to Local Nature

Children in both rural and urban areas prefer faraway animals to local wildlife.

Visualization - Can a Hands-on Model Help Forest Stakeholders Fight Tree Disease? - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

May 20, 2019

Can a Hands-on Model Help Forest Stakeholders Fight Tree Disease?

Participants don't need coding or software expertise to use Tangible Landscape, a 3D model that allows them to try out different approaches for stopping sudden oak death, which has killed millions of trees.