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JaNey Carrothers - Five Questions with Environmental Protection Specialist JaNey Carrothers - Forestry and Environmental Resources Department at NC State

May 7, 2021

Five Questions With Environmental Protection Specialist JaNey Carrothers

As an environmental protection specialist at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Carrothers is helping communities recover from environmental disasters and minimize future damage.

May 4, 2021

2021 FER Graduate Student Award Winners

Davey Award:  Murry Burgess, PhD student in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, working with Dr. Caren Cooper.  Murry’s research examines the effects of natural light-dark cycles and light pollution on…

Wetland forest, seen from a research tower - Natural Forest in Coastal N.C. Becomes Carbon Source as 'Ghost Forest' Spreads - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

May 3, 2021

Natural Forest in Coastal N.C. Becomes Carbon Source as ‘Ghost Forest’ Spreads

NC State researchers found natural coastal forests were carbon sources, while the timing of harvest could impact whether coastal timber forests were sinks or sources. The post is part of a series highlighting NC State research into sea-level rise impacts.

Joshua Pil in Cap and Gown - Graduation to Vocation: Supporting Rare Plant Species in North Carolina - Forestry and Environmental Resources Department at NC State

Apr 27, 2021

Graduation to Vocation: Supporting Rare Plant Species in North Carolina

After graduation, Joshua Pil will study rare plant species as an intern with the North Carolina Botanical Garden.

Ben Zino with a snake - CNR Student Ben Zino is Promoting Wildlife Conservation One Video at a Time - Forestry and Environmental Resources Department at NC State

Apr 26, 2021

CNR Student Ben Zino is Promoting Wildlife Conservation One Video at a Time

Ben Zino is a junior majoring in fisheries, wildlife and conservation biology. Zino is also a Park Scholar and minoring in environmental education. His passion for conservation led him to create The Wild Report, a YouTube channel with over 23,000 subscribers that highlights various wildlife species and promotes local conservation efforts.

Graduation to Vocation: Protecting Aquatic Species through Freshwater Ecology, College of Natural Resources, Cheyana Bassham, feature - Graduation to Vocation: Protecting Aquatic Species through Freshwater Ecology - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Apr 23, 2021

Graduation to Vocation: Protecting Aquatic Species through Freshwater Ecology

Cheyana Bassham will graduate in May 2021 with a degree in fisheries, wildlife and conservation biology.

A Key deer photo approaches a camera trap in the Florida Keys.

Apr 21, 2021

Endangered Key Deer Fawns Vulnerable to Heat Stress as Sea Level Rises, Study Finds

Sea level rise could destroy low-elevation habitats that provide shade for the deer during summer.

Apr 16, 2021

FER Profile: Terrie Litzenberger

Terrie Litzenberger is the Program Coordinator and Senior Lecturer in the Environmental Technology and Management Program within the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University.  She has been teaching three…

Students picked up trash at the beach in New Hanover County.

Apr 15, 2021

Officials, Voters, Show More Concern About Plastic Waste in Ocean After Kids’ Presentations

An NC State study shows voters and leaders showed more concern about trash in the ocean after kids presentations.

NC State Student Ben Zino is Promoting Wildlife Conservation, One Video at a Time, College of Natural Resources, Ben Zino, feature

Apr 13, 2021

NC State Student Ben Zino is Promoting Wildlife Conservation One Video at a Time

With over 23,000 subscribers, Ben Zinos YouTube channel is inspiring others to support wildlife conservation.