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Wildlife and Conservation Biology Degree

Jun 7, 2023

Sean Sullivan: A Research Internship in Fisheries Management

If I learned nothing else from my internship, I learned how little fisheries management has to do with fish. That might sound counterintuitive, but it is to an extent true.…

Jan 4, 2022

Ian Snyder: My Experience looking for the Neuse River Waterdog

Have you ever in your lifetime been able to go to a pristine stream in central and eastern North Carolina, and been able to wade in the water and see…

Dec 6, 2021

Madison Allen: A Day in the Life of a Wake County Park Aide

I am on a kayak in a black water swamp, and everything is still. I look in the water but the only thing I can see is the reflection of…

Mar 9, 2021

Have You Seen This Plant?

The fig buttercup, or lesser celadine (Ficaria verna) is an introduced, aggressive species that is rapidly colonizing our area, particularly along streams. We need your help to understand where it…

May 26, 2020

Dr. Ryan Emanuel Appointed to NSF Committee

Recently Dr. Ryan Emanuel was chosen to serve on the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Committee on Equal Opportunity in Science and Engineering. Dr. Emanuel will serve on the committee for…

NC State Sign - Environmental Science - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Mar 24, 2020

Student Support During Transition

Student Support During Transition to Online Classes and COVID-19 If you have questions or experience problems accessing online materials for individual courses, please contact the course instructor right away –…

Feb 10, 2020

Announcing 2020-2021 Doris Duke Scholars

We are excited to announce the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars for 2020-2021! EmmaLee Hovander, ZoologyJaren Baluyot, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation BiologyReese Dorroh, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation BiologyNina Esquerdo, Fisheries, Wildlife,…

Apr 17, 2019

FER Professor Wins NSF Grant for Project Studying Agricultural Land Use

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources Professor, Dr. Erin Sills, was recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program for her research, “Land-Climate-Water…

Feb 13, 2019

FER Student Spotlight: Holly Keepers

Holly Keepers is currently a junior studying Conservation Biology, with a minor in Applied Ecology. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Holly first came to NC-State as a Zoology major, but later…

FER COMM graphic - Call for Articles/Blog Blurb and Graphic - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jan 16, 2019

Call for Articles/Blog Blurb and Graphic

Attention FER undergraduate/graduate students, faculty and staff, The FER Communications team wants to know about your experiences within the department. This experience could be a field research project, internship, grant,…