Daniela Jones
Assistant Research Professor
Mapping a Dynamic Planet, Energy Systems
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Dani uses geospatial analytics to harness the path for a successful cost-competitive, high-performance biofuels, bioproduct and biopower industry in the US. She develops mathematical models and solution algorithms to solve large-scale problems that arise in the areas of transportation, logistics and renewable energy systems. Her interests lie in leveraging operations research approaches constrained by the geographical location of biomass feedstock, inherent biomass composition and decomposition properties, resource allocation limitations, and environmental impacts of harvesting agricultural residues and/or establishing energy crops.

- Advancing sweetpotato quality assessment with hyperspectral imaging and explainable artificial intelligence , COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE (2024)
- Characterizing value-added pellets obtained from blends of miscanthus, corn stover, and switchgrass , RENEWABLE ENERGY (2024)
- Decisiones Basadas en Datos para la Alimentación y la Energía , (2024)
- Evaluating two high-throughput phenotyping platforms at early stages of the post-harvest pipeline of sweetpotatoes , SMART AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY (2024)
- Manure nutrient cycling in US animal agriculture basins-North Carolina case study , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (2024)
- Nth-plant scenario for blended pellets of Miscanthus, Switchgrass, and Corn Stover using multi-modal transportation: Biorefineries and depots in the contiguous US , BIOMASS & BIOENERGY (2024)
- Predicting sweetpotato traits using machine learning: Impact of environmental and agronomic factors on shape and size , COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE (2024)
- Cultivating PhD Aspirations during College , CBE-LIFE SCIENCES EDUCATION (2022)
- Data-Driven Decisions for Food and Energy , (2022)