Perver Baran
Teaching Professor
Creating Near Real-Time Decision Analytics, Perception and Design of Public Spaces
Center for Geospatial Analytics
Perver uses geospatial analytics to improve our understanding of how natural and built environments contribute to active living, health, quality of life, and sustainability. She develops immersive virtual environments to understand how urban, neighborhood, and open space environments support physical activity, psychological restoration, safety, park use, and quality of urban life. Other interests include 3-D city modeling for urban planning, urban design, innovative public participation methods, and cartographic design.

- Augmented reality participatory platform: A novel digital participatory planning tool to engage under-resourced communities in improving neighborhood walkability , CITIES (2023)
- Classification of tree forms in aerial LiDAR point clouds using CNN for 3D tree modelling , International Journal of Remote Sensing (2023)
- Spatially disaggregated simulation of interactions between home prices and land-use change , ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE (2022)
- Neighborhood Dynamics and Long-Term Change , GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS (2020)
- Modeling restorative potential of urban environments by coupling viewscape analysis of lidar data with experiments in immersive virtual environments , LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING (2019)
- Rural tourism microentrepreneurs’ self-representation through photography: a counter-hegemonic approach , Rural Society (2019)
- An exploratory study of perceived safety in a neighborhood park using immersive virtual environments , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (2018)
- Can trail spatial attributes predict trail use level in urban forest park? An examination integrating GPS data and space syntax theory , URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING (2017)
- Exploring perceived restoration potential of urban green enclosure through immersive virtual environments , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (2018)
- Spatial distributions and use patterns of user groups in urban forest parks: An examination utilizing GPS tracker , URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING (2018)