Peter Ojiambo
Creating Near Real-Time Decision Analytics, Epidemiology and Integrated Management of Plant Diseases
Entomology and Plant Pathology
Partners Building III 239
Peter uses geospatial analytics to understand how dispersal of plant pathogens affects the risk of disease outbreak at the landscape level. He applies spatio-temporal models to describe the dynamics of plant diseases in space and time with the goal of developing management decisions based on risk assessment and prediction of disease outbreaks. His research results are used to enhance monitoring of disease outbreaks and develop decision support tools in the integrated management of plant diseases. Other interests include exploring research that bridges epidemiology and population genetics.

- Efficacy of peroxygen disinfestants against non-fungal plant pathogens in agricultural and horticultural production: a systematic review and meta-analysis , Frontiers in Horticulture (2024)
- Identifying highly connected sites for risk-based surveillance and control of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States , PEERJ (2024)
- MSE FINDR: A Shiny R Application to Estimate Mean Square Error Using Treatment Means and Post Hoc Test Results , PLANT DISEASE (2024)
- The value of generalized linear mixed models for data analysis in the plant sciences , Frontiers in Horticulture (2024)
- A Systematic Review and Quantitative Synthesis of the Efficacy of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds in Disinfesting Nonfungal Plant Pathogens , PLANT DISEASE (2023)
- A Systematic Review and Quantitative Synthesis of the Efficacy of Quaternary Ammonium Disinfestants Against Fungal Plant Pathogens , PLANT DISEASE (2022)
- Effects of Host and Weather Factors on the Growth Rate of Septoria nodorum Blotch Lesions on Winter Wheat , PHYTOPATHOLOGY (2023)
- Efficacy of peroxygen disinfestants against fungal plant pathogens. A systemic review and meta-analysis , CROP PROTECTION (2022)
- Evaluation of a Model for Predicting Onset of Septoria nodorum Blotch in Winter Wheat , PLANT DISEASE (2022)
- Within-Season Shift in Fungicide Sensitivity Profiles of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Populations in Response to Chemical Control , PLANT DISEASE (2022)