Sandra Yuter
Distinguished Professor
Mapping a Dynamic Planet, Physical Meteorology
Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Sandra uses geospatial analytics to distill information on weather and climate to address basic and applied science questions related to shallow marine clouds, winter storms and other weather systems. She develops new capabilities from remote sensing data products, leveraging over 30 years of experience in data fusion and image analysis using multispectral satellite, radar, lidar and other meteorological observations. Other interests include developing education modules on radar-observed storm structures and matching sensor data set characteristics with appropriate science questions (and vice versa).

- Hunting for gravity waves in non-orographic winter storms using 3+years of regional surface air pressure network and radar observations , ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (2025)
- Supplementary material to "Synthesis of surface snowfall rates and radar-observed storm structures in 10+ years of Northeast US winter storms" , (2025)
- Synthesis of surface snowfall rates and radar-observed storm structures in 10+ years of Northeast US winter storms , (2025)
- Dual adaptive differential threshold method for automated detection of faint and strong echo features in radar observations of winter storms , ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES (2024)
- In-cloud characteristics observed in US Northeast and Midwest non-orographic winter storms with implications for ice particle mass growth and residence time , (2024)
- Microscale Updrafts within Northeast US Coastal Snowstorms Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Measurements , MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW (2024)
- Objective identification of pressure wave events from networks of 1 Hz, high-precision sensors , ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES (2024)
- Objectively identified mesoscale surface air pressure waves in the context of winter storm environments and radar reflectivity features: a 3+ year analysis , (2024)
- Objective identification of pressure wave events from networks of 1-Hz, high-precision sensors , (2023)
- Chasing Snowstorms The Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) Campaign , BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (2022)