Doctoral Seminar – Whalen Dillon
Doctoral Seminar: Spatial scale, pathogen spillover, and coexistence in an emerging forest disease system. By Whalen Dillon, candidate for PhD in Forestry and Environmental Resources
Doctoral Seminar: Spatial scale, pathogen spillover, and coexistence in an emerging forest disease system. By Whalen Dillon, candidate for PhD in Forestry and Environmental Resources
Forensic analyses are often concerned with identifying the spatial source of biological residue. Using recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies, dust collected from nearly any object can be shown to harbor DNA fragments from thousands of bacteria and fungi species which may be informative of the source of the dust. We show that training collections…
In this hands-on workshop presented by ProStar, you will learn how OpenLayers is leveraged and applied in today's modern GIS web applications. Bring your laptop to become familiar with the OpenLayers library and get started using it. Dan Colby (Senior VP of Product Management, ProStar) will provide an introduction and overview. Nathan Kannan (VP of Product Development, ProStar) will…
Assessing water quality along rivers is vital for watershed management. The Bayesian Maximum Entropy method of modern geostatistics provides a powerful framework to model the space/time variability of water quality and perform a statistical assessment of all river miles. This talk presents joint work with Prahlad Jat that describes how river distances and flow can…
CyberGIS represents an interdisciplinary field combining advanced computing and cyberinfrastructure, geographic information science and systems (GIS), spatial analysis and modeling, and a number of geospatial domains (e.g., emergency management, smart cities, and the nexus of food, energy, and water systems) to enable broad scientific and technological advances. It has also emerged as new-generation GIS based on holistic…
As home to more than 50% of the human population, urban areas are of growing importance as sources of airborne and water-borne pollutants and sinks for increasing amounts of energy and natural resources. Remote sensing has considerable potential to improve our understanding of these areas, but is challenged by the high diversity of urban materials…
Deciding upon an appropriate spatial frame of reference is an important component of any observational analysis. Geographically fixed frameworks are not always well suited to meteorology, which can be described as the study of patterns within a moving fluid. Data visualization also needs to navigate around human cognitive limitations such as motion-induced failure to detect…
A variety of powerful computing resources are available at the Center for Geospatial Analytics and College of Natural Resources to help you perform your geospatial and big-data research. Do you know how to access them all, use them, and choose between them to suit your needs? At this special Geospatial Studio, CGA researchers and CNR…