Week of Events
Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Ariel Saffer
Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Ariel Saffer
Defense Presentation Title: Reducing Global Pest Forecast Uncertainty with Text Mined Media Records Advisor: Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, center director and Goodnight Distinguished Professor of Geospatial Analytics Abstract: Invasive species, especially plant pests, pose growing threats to ecosystems and food security. Geospatial predictive models and early alerts help manage these risks, but gaps, biases, and delays…
Geospatial Forum: Dr. Georgina Sanchez – NC State
Geospatial Forum: Dr. Georgina Sanchez – NC State
Envisioning Urban Futures: How Scenario-Based Modeling Can Shape Adaptive and Sustainable Pathways to Climate Resilience Speaker: Dr. Georgina Sanchez, Research Scholar and Faculty Fellow, Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State Introduction by: Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, center director and Goodnight Distinguished Professor of Geospatial Analytics Summary: Geospatial modeling provides a means to explore and visualize growth…