Emily Berglund
Forecasting Landscape and Environmental Change, Water Infrastructure Systems
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Emily uses geospatial analytics to investigate the spatial character of socio-technical systems, in which human decision-making affects resource availability and infrastructure performance as resource and infrastructure systems affect human decisions. She develops agent-based models of sociotechnical systems to simulate feedback mechanisms and adaptive behaviors among consumers, infrastructure, and environmental systems. Her interests include optimization models and algorithms to manage the sustainability, security, and resilience of complex infrastructure systems––particularly those managing household water, stormwater, and solar power.

- Conserving groundwater resources through hybrid water systems and sharing rainwater , JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY (2025)
- Public detection of lead plumbing and perceptions of municipal and well drinking water safety in the United States , Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability (2025)
- An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Assess the Social Equity Impacts of Dynamic Pricing Forurban Water Management , (2024)
- An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Assess the Socio-Economic and Social Equity Impacts of Dynamic Pricing in Residential Water Management , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024: Climate Change Impacts on the World We Live In - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024 (2024)
- An Agent-Based Modeling Perspective of Bio-Mediated Ureolysis , Geo-Congress 2024 (2024)
- Characterizing the social-ecological system for inland freshwater salinization using fuzzy cognitive maps: implications for collective management , ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY (2024)
- Designing and Deploying Internet-of-Things-Enabled Water Diaries to Observe Personal End Uses , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024: Climate Change Impacts on the World We Live In - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024 (2024)
- Dynamic Pricing Framework for Water Demand Management Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data , WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH (2024)
- Equity and modeling in sustainability science: Examples and opportunities throughout the process , PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (2024)
- Estimating Residential Outdoor Water Use with Smart Water Meter Data , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024: Climate Change Impacts on the World We Live In - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024 (2024)