Kendra Familette’s Semester in Ireland

Study Abroad Program:
Semester Abroad at University College Cork in Cork, Ireland (Spring 2023)
Environmental Sciences | Minors: Business Administration, Anthropology
Why did you choose to study abroad?
I have wanted to study abroad since I was in high school applying to colleges/universities. I have always loved traveling and wanted to take this opportunity to live in a different country and explore Europe, as it is much cheaper to fly within the EU and UK than doing so from the US. I specifically chose to study at UCC because I have always wanted to visit Ireland, as I have family living in Waterford which is around two hours away from UCC.
What did your average day abroad look like?
My average day included going to one or two classes, exploring the city center, and hanging out with my roommates.
What were some of your favorite experiences during your trip?
I loved all of my travel experiences! I was able to go to Valencia, Brussels, Athens, Rome, and Edinburgh, as well as having field trips around Ireland. I also really enjoyed getting to know my roommates who were all from different parts of the world. I made some incredible lifelong friendships, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience.
How did your study abroad experience prepare you for your future career?
I have become more resilient and surer of myself. I have been able to meet and befriend people from all over the world, from different cultures, which will help me with communication and connection at my future jobs. I have also learned how to more easily adapt to changing environments, specifically with regards to school and location.
What did you learn about yourself through this trip?
I learned that I tend to get in my head about things that are out of my control, and I have had plenty of practice with working through that. I also learned that I am capable of way more than I originally thought I was. The fact that I traveled to all of those cities and countries all on my own, no one else planning the trips or making sure we did everything on the itinerary, was incredible as I did not think I had it in me.
Were you surprised by anything during your time abroad?
I was surprised by how different the school curriculum was. It is very different from school in the US because they only have one or two grades (the final and possibly another essay), whereas schools in the US have homework, quizzes, exams, and participation grades.
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