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Graduate Students

Graduate students funded by assistantships through the Center for Geospatial Analytics enjoy office space in the center and contribute invaluably to its cutting-edge research programs.

Nick Kruskamp, Vaclav Petras, and Zekun Lin at a research sysmposium

Current Students

Jenna Abrahamson - Graduate Students - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University
Jenna Abrahamson

Jenna Abrahamson
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Josh Gray
  • Research: Developing methods to map inundation changes in forested, coastal wetland ecosystems and assessing the impact of inundation events on biogeochemical processes related to methane emissions
Randi Butler - Graduate Students - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University
Randi Butler

Randi Butler
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Natalie Nelson
  • Research: Analyzing satellite remote sensing data to better understand sweet potato production trends and bring in a rich perspective of on-the-ground challenges
Grace Choi
Grace Choi

Grace Choi
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Josh Gray
  • Research: Phenology in drylands and the impact of precipitation variability on phenological patterns
Rebecca Composto
Rebecca Composto

Rebecca Composto
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Mirela Tulbure
  • Research: Using satellite imagery and crowdsourced information to study urban flooding
Christopher Dunstan - Graduate Students - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University
Christopher Dunstan

Christopher Dunstan
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Co-advisors: Aaron Hipp and Laura Tateosian
  • Research: A wide variety of fields, including sports science and AI ethics
Eamon Espey
Eamon Espey

Eamon Espey
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Jelena Vukomanovic
  • Research: Understanding socio-ecological systems and modeling multiple facets of their vulnerability under various future climatic and management scenarios
Mark Feinberg
Mark Feinberg

Mark Feinberg
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Studying invasive plant pests and pathogen species, with an entrepreneurship focus
Louis Goodball - Graduate Students -Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University
Louis Goodall

Louis Goodall
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Robert Scheller
  • Research: Disturbance ecology and forest management, and intersections between them
Isabel Gutierrez
Isabel Gutierrez

Isabel Gutierrez
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Aaron Hipp
  • Research: Evaluating the sustainability of golf courses and greenspaces
Caitlin Haedrich
Caitlin Haedrich

Caitlin Haedrich
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Helena Mitasova
  • Research: Developing geospatial tools using GRASS GIS, Tangible Landscape and Jupyter Notebooks to help stakeholders engage with scientific models and support participatory modeling
Truffaut Harper
Truffaut Harper

Truffaut Harper
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Sea level rise, flooding and the effects of climate change
Izzi Hinks
Izzi Hinks

Izzi Hinks
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Josh Gray
  • Research: Developing and assessing remote sensing algorithms to optimize the productivity of sustainable agriculture amidst environmental change
Eli Horner
Eli Horner

Eli Horner
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Using computational mathematics and computational statistics techniques and methods to improve spatial-temporal models, expanding tools within these models to improve their usefulness for stakeholders and accurately capture real-world behavior
Jamie Huerta
Jamie Huerta

Jamie Huerta
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Chris Osburn
  • Research: Estuarine biogeochemical processes and how they relate to climate change, anthropocentric pollution and spatiotemporal trends
Gwen Kirschke
Gwen Kirschke

Gwen Kirschke
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Elsa Youngsteadt
  • Research: Predicting the distribution of nectar resources across habitat matrices
Brit Laginhas
Brit Laginhas

Brit Laginhas
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Harnessing big geospatial data and advanced modeling for deeper insights and effective solutions to major environmental problems, like the spread of invasive pests and pathogens
Margaret Lawrimore - Graduate Students - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University
Margaret Lawrimore

Margaret Lawrimore
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Assessing the social and environmental impacts of land use change and planning
Martine Mathieu
Martine Mathieu

Martine Mathieu
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Jennifer Richmond-Bryant
  • Research: Spatial statistics, spatial and temporal modeling approaches, sociotechnical systems, and applying these tools to assess air pollution exposure, extreme weather events and health effects estimation
Erin O'Connell
Erin O’Connell

Erin O’Connell
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Co-advisors: Chris Jones and Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Modeling high-risk areas for biological invasions and training machine-learning algorithms to look for host vegetation species
Uchenna Osia
Uchenna Osia

Uchenna Osia
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Bethany Cutts
  • Research: Working to ensure people are seen as experts in the data they produce rather than digital products, how to put data equity into practice within the context of environmental justice and spatial data
Christina Perella
Christina Perella

Christina Perella
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Co-advisors: Adam Terando and Jelena Vukomanovic
  • Research: Social and ecological impacts of climate and land-use change, with a focus on understanding tradeoffs between community needs and ecosystem health, and the effectiveness of protected areas and wildlife corridors
Deja Perkins
Deja Perkins

Deja Perkins
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Caren Cooper
  • Research: Identifying spatial patterns in citizen science participation to engage underserved communities in environmental monitoring
John Polo
John Polo

John Polo
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Co-advisors: Chris Jones and Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: The spread of invasive species, conservation of native species and how movements, both local and long-distance, can contribute to species conservation
Stacie Reckling
Stacie Reckling

Stacie Reckling
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Helena Mitasova
  • Research: Geospatial trends and patterns relevant to public health and environmental health
Pratikshya Regmi
Pratikshya Regmi

Pratikshya Regmi
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Helena Mitasova
  • Research: Studying impacts of dynamic soil properties on landscape processes using mapping from UAS and geospatial simulations; contributing to the Growing the GRASS GIS Open Source Ecosystem project by extending its educational materials and tutorials with data and applications from her home country of Nepal
Shannon Ricci
Shannon Ricci

Shannon Ricci
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Del Bohnenstiehl
  • Research: Integrating existing datasets (imagery, acoustics, habitat information, etc.) and developing efficient workflows to improve monitoring and management capabilities for environmentally sensitive marine areas
Ariel Saffer
Ariel Saffer

Ariel Saffer
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Understanding and forecasting the global spread of plant pests and pathogens
Felipe Sanchez
Felipe Sanchez

Felipe Sanchez
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Gustavo Machado
  • Research: The intersection between animal, environmental and human health, specifically development of surveillance and monitoring tools and applications.
Andrew Shannon

Andrew Shannon
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Robert Scheller
  • Research: Leveraging modeling and other statistical approaches to interpret ecological and Earth systems data and produce work that informs future-oriented management actions for forest and other natural resources, the impacts of drought and other long-term climate trends on the functions of terrestrial systems and natural lands
Owen Smith
Owen Smith

Owen Smith
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Josh Gray
  • Research: Researching methods of controllable spatiotemporal degradation, coupled with allowable uncertainty, to synthesize an archive of heterogeneous satellite imagery into an application-specific, lower-dimensional representation
Titilayo Tajudeen
Titilayo Tajudeen

Titilayo Tajudeen
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Katie Martin
  • Research: Examining dynamics in forest hydrologic systems and the impacts of climate on these changes to enhance environmental sustainability
Varun Tiwari

Varun Tiwari
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Mirela Tulbure
  • Research: Quantifying methane emissions for paddy rice fields using machine learning methods
Thom Worm
Thom Worm

Thom Worm
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
  • Research: Examining human-driven changes in landscapes and forecasting ecological change in a growing world
Alexander Yoshizumi
Alexander Yoshizumi

Alexander Yoshizumi
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student

  • Advisor: Jelena Vukomanovic
  • Research: The intersection of energy, transportation and land use, systems modeling and resiliency planning