Internal Resources
Welcome to the Center for Geospatial Analytics Internal Resources site. Here you will find information about Center policies, important contact information, forms for making requests, style guidance, and useful links.
Jump to:
- General CGA information
- Information Technology FAQs
- Listserv policies
- Guidance for affiliating publications
- Guidance for acknowledging CGA support
- Calendars
- Email signature templates
- Logos, templates and color palettes
- Mailing address for packages
- Electronic Access Request Form
- Current directory
- Good News Form
- Lactation room
- Meeting room reservations
- CGA committees
- For Faculty and Staff
- Visitor Parking Pass Request Form
- Lab Space Request Form
- GeoVis Discovery Meeting Policies and Request Form
- Proposal development
- Guidelines for Professional Track Faculty
- Benefits and expectations of being a Faculty Fellow
- Nomination procedure for new Faculty Fellows
- Compelling Research Presentations video series
General CGA information
Below, you will find information relevant to anyone affiliated with CGA.
Information Technology FAQs
How do I gain admin control of my lab PC?
Email Zac Arcaro ( with a request. Include your unity ID and the computer name (e.g., GIS-Lab-01).
How do I install software on my lab PC?
- If the software is open-source or freely available, you may install it yourself.
- If the software is proprietary, check to see if the university has a licence. Install it yourself or send a request for assistance.
How do I connect my PC to a printer?
- Open Windows Explorer and enter \waterworks into the navigation bar to see a list of printers by building and room number.
- Find your printer.
- Double-click to install the printer.
The printer in my lab/office is out out toner. What should I do?
- Remove the cartridge and shake to extend printing life.
- Email Zac Arcaro ( with a request for new toner.
The printer is in my lab office is out of paper. Where do I find more?
Paper is available in room Jordan 5104.
I am having other problems with my printer. Who should I contact for help?
Send a description of the issue to and copy
How do I print to the CGA plotter?
There is a poster printer in the Geovisualization Lab closet. To print, email a PDF of your poster to and request it be printed on the CGA plotter. You are strongly advised to request printing in advance to give the IT team time to prepare your poster and in case there are any unforeseen issues with the plotter.
Listserv policies
Listservs are maintained by the CGA Administration Office. Please adhere to the following policies:
- Contact Rachel Kasten ( for additions or inquiries.
- Please respect our inboxes and limit mass messages to those that are absolutely necessary.
- Forward all external notices/job postings to Eric Money ( for review and posting.
Listserv name | Description |
---|---| | Graduate students seated in CGA labs | | Advisors to CGA graduate students | | CGA faculty and staff (incl. research associates, postdoctoral researchers, and members of the steering committee) | | GIS Certificate students | | MGIST students | | Persons interested in the CGA Geospatial Forum series | | CGA Faculty Fellows | | CGA Advisory Board members | | NC State GIS faculty |
Guidance for affiliating publications
Only those peer-reviewed publications in which co-author(s) have affiliated with the Center for Geospatial Analytics will be counted in official CGA reports. Please see the guidance below to ensure that you affiliate properly with CGA on your papers.
CGA postdocs, research staff on CGA payroll and Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students will use only one superscript to describe their authorship affiliation. For example:
Chris Spatial1
1Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA
All other faculty and students affiliated with the Center but also supported by another unit on campus will use two superscripts to describe their authorship affiliations; the home department or unit will always be listed first, and the Center for Geospatial Analytics will be listed second. For example:
Pat Lidar1,2
1Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA
2Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA
Guidance for acknowledging CGA support
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students who have received financial support from CGA are requested to acknowledge that support in the Acknowledgements section of their peer-reviewed publications. The following phrasing is suggested:
“This research was funded by the Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University…”
The CGA hosts a number of Google Calendars that will keep you up to date with ongoing events, courses, and meetings. We suggest making all of the following calendars visible on your own Google Calendar.
CGA Events
- Includes all events of general interest to CGA faculty, staff and students (Geospatial Forum, Geospatial Studio, orientations, etc).
- Maintained by CGA Administration Office; contact Lois Utt ( to add/edit events.
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner.
CGA Travel
- Includes travel plans of general interest to to CGA faculty, staff and students. The intent is to facilitate collaborative planning and/or help avoid conflicts.
- If you or your students are traveling to conferences or meetings, event details and dates of travel can be posted here.
- Maintained by CGA Administration Office; contact Lois Utt ( to add/edit events.
- Frequent travelers may request direct access to post.
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner.
Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. program
- Includes core classes, deadlines, and other events of interest to our Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students.
- Maintained by CGA Administration Office; contact Rachel Kasten ( with questions.
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your Google calendar page, follow this link.
Other useful calendars include:
- Geospatial Forum
- This is a public calendar.
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner
- Contact John Vogler ( for inquiries.
- Room 5103
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner.
- To request a reservation, contact Cristen Cornelius Philbrook (
- Room 5119 (Conference Room)
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner.
- To request a reservation, fill out this Google form.
- Room 5111 (Geovisualization Lab)
- To add this calendar to your list of “Other Calendars” on your calendar page, follow this link and click the “+GoogleCalendar” button in the bottom right corner.
- To request a reservation, contact Lois Utt (
While in most cases you will not be able to add events to the room calendars, adding (and using) the room calendars will allow you to confirm that the room has not already been booked before requesting a reservation.
Email signature templates
The CGA strives to maintain a standard design style that expresses our unified mission and visual identity. We therefore request that all CGA-affiliated faculty, researchers, staff, and graduate students adopt a standardized email signature. Templates that you may copy and paste into your own email settings are available.
Logos, templates and color palettes
The Center for Geospatial Analytics is an example of an NC State core brand extension. Core brand extensions are very closely held entities; they reflect the core brand market position and need to use the same messaging platform and visual identity as the overall institution. Visit the visual identity page to learn more about CGA’s brand identity, download logos and PowerPoint templates, access the approved color palette and find answers to common design questions.
Mailing address for packages
Please ship packages to the following address:
YOUR NAME ℅ CGA Admin office
2800 Faucette Drive
Campus Box 7106
Raleigh, NC 27695
Electronic Access Request Form
Jordan Hall and some CGA labs have electronic card readers that grant access using your campus ID card. Complete the Electronic Access Request Form if you would like to request access.
Current directory
In addition to the directory of personnel and faculty fellows, CGA also maintains a graduate student directory.
Good News Form
Get some good news lately? Don’t keep it to yourself! We want to know too! Please fill out this form each time you win an award, receive a grant, or publish a paper; are interviewed by the press, invited to speak somewhere, accepted to present at a conference; or have anything else you’d like to share. The info will help our Graduate Services Coordinator, Rachel Kasten (, spread the word about just how great you and your work are! Your accomplishments will be included in the Center’s annual report to the Dean and celebrated on the Center’s bulletin board, news blog, and/or social media channels.
Lactation room
There is a lockable room available for anyone who needs to pump or breastfeed. The lactation room includes a private refrigerator, a glider, and storage for breast pumps and other items. Please see Zac Arcaro for keys or Rachel Kasten with suggestions to improve the space.
Meeting room reservations
The Center for Geospatial Analytics has two conference rooms that can be reserved internally, by submitting this form: Jordan 5119 (can seat up to 20) and Jordan 5103A (can seat up to 6). Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the Jordan 5103 classroom must be reserved through CNR Academic Affairs, not the Center, using a separate request form. Please contact Rachel Kasten with questions.
CGA Committees
The Center for Geospatial Analytics leadership team has formed several committees that guide Center initiatives and focus on specific aspects of the Center’s mission.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee oversees the operations of the Center for Geospatial Analytics, ensuring that all programs, policies and procedures are aligned with the Center’s mission.
- Provides strategic direction for the Center, in consultation with the External Advisory Board
- Identifies budgeting, personnel and facilities needs
- Reviews and updates Center policies and procedures
- Approves appointments of Faculty Fellows
- Oversees and supports the work of other Center committees
- Center Director (Chair) [Ross Meentemeyer]
- Center Associate and Assistant Directors [Zac Arcaro, Aaron Hipp, Helena Mitasova, Eric Money, Raju Vatsavai]
- Members of the Geospatial Analytics Faculty Cluster [Ross Meentemeyer, Mirela Tulbure, Raju Vatsavai]
- Science Communicator [vacant]
- University Program Associate [Rachel Kasten]
- Research Staff representative [Georgina Sanchez]
- Faculty Fellow representative [Dan Obenour]
- GGSO representative [Caitlin Haedrich]
Research Staff and Faculty Fellow representatives serve one-year terms (with a limit of two consecutive terms) and are appointed by the Chair.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee oversees awards and honors presented by CGA.
- Plans the annual Awards Banquet
- Reviews nominations and selects honorees for both internal (e.g. travel awards) and external awards
- Administrative Staff Representative [Rachel Kasten](Co-Chair)
- MGIST Faculty representative [Stacy Supak] (Co-Chair)
- PhD Faculty representative [Josh Gray]
- Faculty Fellow representative [Aaron Hipp]
- Postdoc/Researcher representative [Ben Seliger]
- Student representative [Vacant]
Representatives serve two-year terms, and are appointed by the Chair/Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Center Director.
Education Committee
The Education Committee serves as a strategic advisory group for the Center’s academic programs (Ph.D. in Geospatial Analytics, MGIST and Graduate Certificate in GIS).
- Oversees curriculum development
- Regularly reviews and refreshes course offerings
- Guides recruitment and admissions
- Evaluates effectiveness of academic programs and coordinates annual assessments
- Monitors trends in education delivery and best practices
- Associate Director of Educational Innovation (Chair) [Eric Money]
- Director(s) of Graduate Programs (Ph.D. and MGIST) [Ross Meentemeyer, Eric Money]
- Graduate Services Coordinator [Rachel Kasten]
- At least one faculty representative from each academic program (Ph.D., MGIST, and undergraduate programs) [Perver Baran, Laura Tateosian, Stacy Supak]
- Student representative [Rebecca Composto]
Academic program representatives serve two-year terms and are appointed by the Chair, in consultation with the Center Director.
Ph.D. Admissions Committee
The Ph.D. Admissions Committee considers and recommends students for admission to the PhD in Geospatial Analytics.
- Determines the most effective process for evaluating applications
- Reviews all applicants on their merits
- Identifies candidates who contribute to the goal of a diverse educational community
- Works with advisors to match applicants to the appropriate funding sources and assistantships
- Director of Graduate Program for the Ph.D. (Chair) [Ross Meentemeyer]
- Core Ph.D. Faculty (instructors of required core courses) [Josh Gray, Ross Meentemeyer, Helena Mitasova, Laura Tateosian, Mirela Tulbure, Raju Vatsavai]
- Graduate Services Coordinator [Rachel Kasten]
- Faculty Fellow representative [Del Bohnenstiehl]
The Faculty Fellow representative serves a one-year term and is appointed by the Chair.
Computing and Technology Committee
The Computing and Technology Committee oversees all aspects of technology at the center including computer hardware, software, training, peripherals, virtual and high performance computing, and maintains these resources to support all aspects of Center operations.
- Assesses computing resources needed by the Center
- Makes decisions regarding annual spending on technological upgrades and advancements
- Defines best practices for computing/utilizing computing resources in the Center
- Assistant Director of Operations (Chair) [Zac Arcaro]
- Associate Director of GeoAI and Computational Science Applications [Raju Vatsavai]
- CNR IT staff members
- Research scientist representatives [Chris Jones, Vaclav Petras]
- Faculty Fellow representative [Mirela Tulbure]
- Postdoctoral representative [Laura Belica]
- Ph.D. student representative [Umesh Gupta]
- MGIST representative [Bill Slocumb]
The committee chair is appointed by the Steering Committee. Research, Postdoctoral, Ph.D. and MGIST representatives serve one-year terms and are appointed by the Chair, in consultation with the Center Director.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee coordinates internal and external messaging about Center research and academic programs and guides the production of advertising and other promotional materials.
- Plans and produces advertising for the Geospatial Forum, Geospatial Studio and other Center events
- Strategizes recruitment campaigns for Center academic programs
- Administers Center social media accounts
- Science Communicator (Chair) [vacant]
- Associate Director of Educational Innovation [Eric Money]
- Graduate Services Coordinator [Rachel Kasten]
- Other members as appointed [John Vogler, Shannon Jones]
Members of the Communications Committee have expertise in preparing communication materials on behalf of the Center and/or oversee key Center programs that require consistent advertising; members serve two-year renewable terms.
Development Committee
The Development Committee works to elevate the profile of the Center among industry, government, private research, other academic partners, and potential donors and raise funds to support and expand the Center’s impact.
- Liaises with the College of Natural Resources’ advancement team
- Identifies priorities and fundraising goals for the Center
- Promotes and facilitates industry and alumni engagement with the Center
- Assistant Director of Operations (Chair) [Zac Arcaro]
- Associate Director of Educational Innovation [Eric Money]
- Science Communicator [vacant]
- Business Services Coordinator [vacant]
- Other members as appointed [John Vogler; Georgina Sanchez (Co-Chair); Izzi Hinks (GGSO representative)]
Members serve two-year renewable terms.
Forum Committee
The Forum Committee plans the content of the Center’s Geospatial Forum and continuously strives to enhance the quality and impact of the events. The committee recommends Forum events to the Steering Committee for approval, with lists for the upcoming academic year submitted to the Steering Committee by December 1 (Fall list) and May 1 (Spring list) of each year.
- Curates a running list of candidates, focusing on research excellence, effective public speaking, diversity in gender, race and ethnicity and representation from public, private and nonprofit sectors
- Liaises with GIS 609 instructor(s) of record to ensure satisfaction of course requirements
- Manages the Forum budget and identifies budgeting needs for consideration by the Steering Committee
- Reviews and updates Geospatial Forum Guidelines and Best Practices as needed
- Makes recommendations for improving the Forum experience for students and invited lecturers, panelists and technical experts
- Chair [Ross Meentemeyer]
- Graduate student representatives (GGSO Forum Chair and at least one MGIST student) [Rebecca Composto (GGSO Forum Chair and Ph.D. student), Titilayo Tajudeen (Ph.D. student), Kasey Boyd (MGIST student)]
- Faculty Fellow representatives [Mirela Tulbure, Aaron Hipp]
- Research Staff representatives [Georgina Sanchez, Vaclav Petras]
- Science Communicator [vacant]
- Forum Coordinator [John Vogler]
The committee chair serves a one-year term and is appointed by the Steering Committee. Faculty Fellow and Research Staff representatives serve one-year terms and are appointed by the Forum Chair, with one Faculty Fellow or Researcher being Chair-elect for leadership continuity. Graduate students serve one-year terms and are elected by the GGSO (Forum Chair and at least one MGIST student member). The Science Communicator and Forum Coordinator each serve a one-year renewable term.
For Faculty and Staff
Below, we provide resources specifically suited to CGA-affiliated faculty and staff.
Visitor Parking Pass Request Form
Parking passes allow people visiting the CGA to park in the spaces around Jordan Hall, and are requested from NCSU Transportation through the CGA Administration Office. To request that the Admin Office secure a pass on behalf of a visitor, submit the Visitor Parking Pass Request Form. Passes will be requested and authorized via the email address you provide on the form.
Lab Space Request Form
CGA policy for allocating lab space applies to all seats in rooms 5117, 4120, and 4117 in Jordan Hall as well as the graduate student desks in the Geovisualization Lab. Spaces are allocated at the discretion of the CGA director and steering committee. Seating will be allocated on a yearly basis (1 July – 30 June). Faculty may request seats for their students at any time using the Lab Space Request Form. We are currently able to accommodate the vast majority of requests for space. However, as the CGA grows and the Ph.D. program becomes established, the demand for lab space will soon be greater than availability. Priority will be given to requests made by CGA faculty fellows on behalf of individuals whose geospatial activities most closely align with the strategic plan and mission of the Center.
GeoVis Discovery Meeting Policies and Request Form
In an effort to make visits to the Geovisualization Lab more efficient, strategic, and beneficial to all parties involved, the Center for Geospatial Analytics has developed a new policy regarding appointments and demonstrations in the Geovisualization Lab.
CGA will no longer offer tours that do not have a clear strategic purpose with actionable outcomes. Rather, goal-driven GeoVis Discovery Meetings will be hosted by CGA Faculty Fellows and Researchers who seek to develop external collaborations and partnerships, to fulfill contractual obligations with funders and community partners, or to cultivate funding opportunities. We will encourage members of the community interested in visiting the Geovisualization Lab to either attend an Open House (to be posted on the CGA events calendar) or contact Faculty Fellows and Researchers who best represent their shared interests and goals for a personalized appointment.
How does this affect you?
- Faculty Fellows and Researchers who are contacted about hosting, or themselves would like to initiate, a GeoVis Discovery Meeting will fill out a Discovery Meeting request form. Requests made through the form are approved by the CGA Director and forwarded to the CGA Admin Office to arrange through the room 5111 Google Calendar. The Admin Office will also generate and distribute parking passes, if necessary.
- Faculty Fellows and Researchers will be responsible for hosting and moving their group through requested demonstrations. Discovery Meetings must include at least 15 minutes of concluding discussion to solidify action items and future collaborative steps. The request form includes a field for reserving the conference room (5119) for this purpose.
- If you are contacted about an educational partnership, please refer the query to the CGA Associate Director of Professional Education. CGA will no longer accommodate visit requests from school groups that have not first connected with the Associate Director of Professional Education about a strategic initiative.
Proposal development
Planning to submit a research proposal to a funding agency and looking to involve the Service Center? We are happy to help both internal and external partners prepare proposals that include contracted services with us in their budgets. Visit the Service Center page to learn more.
For Students
Below, we provide resources specifically suited to CGA-affiliated graduate students.
Travel Award application
Please note that there are new guidelines as of August 2022 for the Travel Award:
The GA Travel Award is open to all students enrolled in the Geospatial Analytics doctoral program in good standing (GPA > 3.00). There is no limit to the number of times a student may apply for or receive the award; however, you may only receive an award once in each calendar year. The Awards Committee will consider funding needs, year in the program, impact of the conference, prior receipt of a CGA Travel Award, and other funding received.
Applications will be reviewed based on two award cycles, with $5000 available each cycle. The deadlines are:
September 15
February 15
For more information, contact Rachel Kasten (
Recipients of the Travel Award will write a post for the Center’s news blog about their experience. See past awardees’ posts for examples. Students should send a relevant high-resolution photo (either at, or can be cropped to, 1500 pixels wide by 844 pixels tall; as an email attachment) and a Word or Google doc with the following elements to the Center’s Graduate Services Coordinator, Rachel Kasten (
- title ≤ 10 words
- text ≤ 550 words
- captions for all photos
- a list of any urls to be linked from mentions of organizations, conferences, projects, etc. in the text
- your Twitter handle, if you have a Twitter account and/or LinkedIn name, if you have a LinkedIn account
The body of the post should tell a brief, interesting and informative story about the work supported by the travel award––e.g., the research presented at a conference (and why it matters), a unique experience at the conference (for example, a workshop attended or led), or how data collected while traveling will be used. Students are encouraged to write in first person, with active voice, and be creative. The audience for the Center’s news blog includes people outside of the field of GIS and even outside of the sciences; students should introduce their main message in the first paragraph, avoid jargon and keep explanations simple. The Science Communicator will review all submissions for clarity before posting.
External funding opportunities
- The NC Space Grant offers multiple funding opportunities, including a Graduate Research Fellowship and a joint fellowship with NC Sea Grant.
- The DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.
- The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.
- NOAA’s Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research — particularly by female and minority students — in NOAA mission-related sciences of oceanography, marine biology and maritime archaeology, including all science, engineering and resource management of ocean and coastal areas.
- The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one of fifteen supported disciplines. The goal is to help DoD increase the number and quality of the nation’s scientists and engineers. NDSEG Fellowships last for three years.
Career resources
- Our GIST program website maintains a Careers Dashboard with information about job and internship postings, organizations for geospatial professionals, professional certifications, and professional conferences.
- The PhD program maintains a list of alumni employers to aid in professional networking for current students.
- The ECOLOG-L listserv operated by the Ecological Society of America posts opportunities for graduate work, postdoctoral positions, jobs, and professional development.
- The Graduate School at NC State offers a range of signature programs to supplement your degree and sharpen your competitive edge. For more information, visit the Graduate School’s Professional Development page.
Compelling Research Presentations video series
Level up your scicomm skills with the Compelling Research Presentations video series created by the Center’s former science communicator, Megan Skrip.
The five-part series concisely covers a breadth of topics to help scientists, from students to seasoned professionals, craft compelling presentations, whether for a research conference or any other public talk.