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Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Martine Mathieu-Campbell

Jordan Hall 5103 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Defense Presentation Title: Spatial Predictive Modeling of Particulate Matter Related to Health Effects Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Richmond-Bryant, faculty fellow and associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources Abstract: Epidemiological…

Geospatial Forum: Dr. Sparkle Malone – Yale University

Jordan Hall Addition 1220 2720 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Advancing Ecological Understanding through the Convergence of Machine Learning and Environmental Infrastructure: Understanding Carbon Exchange Rates Speaker: Dr. Sparkle Malone, Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Carbon Capture, Yale University Hosted by:…

GIS Week: Kickoff Event

Natural Resources Library 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Enjoy coffee & refreshments and hear from Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, the Director of the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State, to start off the week of events! This event…

GIS Week: Top tools and resources for this GIS journey we’re on

Jordan Addition 1214 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

GIS Librarians will share the websites and tools they use, or feel are worth further exploring. Attendees will also be welcome to share what resources you find valuable. This event…

GIS Week: Introduction to Google Earth Engine

Jordan Hall 5119 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Gain an overview of accessing, processing, and visualizing data with Google Earth Engine in preparation for Friday's Geospatial Studio. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. This event is part…

GIS Week: Geospatial Forum (Studio) with Dr. Emil Cherrington – NASA SERVIR

Jordan Addition 1214 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Use of NASA Open Data for Land Cover Change Monitoring and Vegetation Height Modeling >>>REGISTER HERE!<<< Speaker: Dr. Emil Cherrington, Thematic Lead, Ecosystem & Carbon Management, SERVIR Science Coordination Office…

Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Thom Worm

Jordan Hall 5103 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Defense Presentation Title: The Role of Bridgehead Effects on the Global Spatiotemporal Spread of Invasive Insects Advisor: Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, Ph.D. Graduate Program Director and Director, Center for Geospatial Analytics Abstract:…