Laura Tateosian
Associate Teaching Professor
Mapping a Dynamic Planet, Data Synthesis and Visualization
Center for Geospatial Analytics
Laura uses geospatial analytics to innovate visualization techniques for geospatial-temporal data through advances in computer science. She develops geospatial algorithms and programming and uses controlled studies and eye tracking technology to investigate new ways to represent and interact with geospatial data. Her interests include aesthetic climatology geovisualization, coastal terrain time-series visualization, gaze-based map interaction, geo-mining narrative archives, storytelling with maps, and open-source natural resources web mapping.

- Reconstructing historic and modern potato late blight outbreaks using text analytics , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2024)
- An open-source platform for geospatial participatory modeling in the cloud , ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE (2023)
- Classification of tree forms in aerial LiDAR point clouds using CNN for 3D tree modelling , International Journal of Remote Sensing (2023)
- Curvature Weighted Decimation: A Novel, Curvature-Based Approach to Improved Lidar Point Decimation of Terrain Surfaces , Geomatics (2023)
- Forecasting global spread of invasive pests and pathogens through international trade , ECOSPHERE (2023)
- Exploring public values through Twitter data associated with urban parks pre- and post- COVID-19 , LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING (2022)
- Plant pest invasions, as seen through news and social media , COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS (2022)
- The persistent threat of emerging plant disease pandemics to global food security , PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (2021)
- A Review of Geospatial Content in IEEE Visualization Publications , 2020 IEEE VISUALIZATION CONFERENCE - SHORT PAPERS (VIS 2020) (2020)
- A Review of Geospatial Content in IEEE Visualization Publications , Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2020 (2020)