Forestry Programs

The Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources offers three options for students and professionals, who wish to pursue an advanced degrees in a forestry related field: a Master of Forestry, a Master of Science in Forestry and a Ph.D. in Forestry and Environmental Resources. Our training and research covers all traditional forest resource programs, plus natural resource economics and policy, hydrology, geospatial analytics and natural resource management.
We are an internationally-recognized leader in graduate education. We graduate professionals who contribute to society’s welfare through the wise use of our planet’s forests and natural resources. Our graduate students advocate for sustainable practices in their fields and have the knowledge, skills and willingness required to succeed as responsible scientists, teachers and practitioners.
A leader in advanced forestry degrees
Our training covers all areas of traditional forest resource programs, plus natural resource economics and policy, hydrology, geospatial analytics, and natural resource management.