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Wolf Plaza - Two CNR Professors Named 2021 AAAS Fellows - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Feb 8, 2022

Two CNR Professors Named 2021 AAAS Fellows

Two professors in the College of Natural Resources have been named 2021 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the largest general scientific society in the world. University Faculty Scholar Jason Delborne and former CNR dean Mary Watzin, both of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, are among the 564 scientists, engineers and innovators from around the world to be recognized as 2021 AAAS Fellows for their “scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.”

Robert Scheller - Robert Scheller Named Associate Dean for Research - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Feb 3, 2022

Robert Scheller Named Associate Dean for Research

Scheller, an internationally-recognized scholar in the field of landscape ecology, brings nearly three decades of research and leadership experience to the position, and the appointment follows a seven-month period of him serving as interim in the role.

Ghost forest in North Carolina. - Microbes Making Tree Methane ‘Farts’ in Ghost Forests Are in the Soils, Study Says - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Feb 2, 2022

Microbes Making Tree Methane ‘Farts’ in Ghost Forests Are in the Soils, Study Says

Understanding how ghost forests create methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is important to calculating the environmental impact of the forest-to-ghost forest transition.

Wolf Statue - Two Professors Named Goodnight Early Career Innovators - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Jan 26, 2022

Two Professors Named 2021 AAAS Fellows

Jason Delborne and Mary Watzin, both of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, are among the 564 scientists, engineers and innovators from around the world to be recognized as 2021 AAAS Fellows for their “scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.”

Researchers are studying ghost forests in North Carolina. - Study Finds Saltwater Thresholds for Plants in Freshwater Forests - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jan 26, 2022

Study Finds Saltwater Thresholds for Plants in Freshwater Forests

Findings from the study could help researchers identify coastal landscapes in transition from forest to marsh or open water – and in need of help.

Tiger - Transforming Data into Conservation - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Jan 25, 2022

Transforming Data into Conservation

NC State’s Roland Kays is helping address big data problems in wildlife conservation.

NC State Graduate Student Matt Snider - NC State Student Supports Wildlife Conservation in Africa - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Jan 24, 2022

NC State Student Supports Wildlife Conservation in Africa

Matt Snider, a doctoral student, is conducting camera trap studies at Kasanka National Park in Zambia to better understand the effects of habitat loss and to combat poaching.

Jan 20, 2022

Layne Randolph: Instagramming My Way Through the Forest

As a typical Gen Z college student, social media is life. I spend way too many hours a day looking at my phone and scrolling through feed on Instagram, Snapchat,…

Shasta Lake during a drought in California. - Climate Change Could Lead to Blackouts, Higher Power Costs on West Coast - Forestry and Environmental Resources NC State University

Jan 5, 2022

Climate Change Could Lead to Blackouts, Higher Power Costs on West Coast

Projections from two studies show how climate change or shifting to renewable energy could impact West Coast power supplies.

Jan 4, 2022

Ian Snyder: My Experience looking for the Neuse River Waterdog

Have you ever in your lifetime been able to go to a pristine stream in central and eastern North Carolina, and been able to wade in the water and see…