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Kyra Attridge – Student Spotlight

Kyra Attridge


  • New Kent, VA

High School Graduation Year:

  • 2018


  • BS, Paper Science and Engineering, 2022

Work Experience:

  • WestRock, West Point, VA Summer 2019, 2020 and 2021 and Winter 2020
  • International Paper, Mansfield, LA Fall 2019

Why did you choose Paper Science and Engineering (PSE?

  • I grew up going to school in a mill town. My junior year of high school, NC State partnered with the mill to give us a tour and introduce us to the Paper Science and Engineering Program at State. As soon as I stepped onto the machine floor, I fell in love and knew this was the career for me! The emphasis on continuous improvement and sustainability along with the ability to have hands-on work was exactly what I was looking for in a career path.

What is your favorite thing about Paper Science and Engineering?

  • I love how everything we do is career-oriented. All of our class material is designed to make us better process engineers, and we are constantly given opportunities to network with companies.

What is your favorite thing about NC State?

  • I love the community-feel we have despite being such a large university. Any time I am on campus, I see at least one friendly face I know. All of our alumni also treat us like family and look out for us. Going to NC State truly makes you a part of the pack!

What advice would you offer to an incoming freshman?

  • Time management is going to be very important, so I would definitely invest in a planner and go through your syllabus to mark down important dates at the beginning of each semester. This will help avoid any surprise exams or assignments and help you make sure you are using your time wisely.  Also, invest in some rainboots! Walking around campus in soggy shoes is never a good time.

What would people be surprised to know about you? 

  • I am an avid Jeopardy fan. I have been competitively watching it with my dad for years! Even when we can’t watch it together, we will tell each other our scores for the game. It has turned into one of my favorite family traditions!

What has been your greatest challenge?

  • My greatest challenge so far has been finding a school-life balance. I was very nervous about not performing as well as my peers freshman year, so I spent most of my time studying. I realized that I will only be in college for a few more years and want to truly embrace it while I can, so I started scheduling in time to socialize and setting boundaries for my schoolwork. I have been having a much better college experience since and gotten to make a ton of lifelong friends and memories!