Graduate Support

Investing in the Success of Our Future
We value the importance of high-impact, hands-on education and want to help graduate students achieve their goals through assistantships, fellowships, grants, and financial aid. We can offer qualified students options to support their education because of generous support from our alumni, friends, and industry partners.
Most Master of Science or Doctoral students in our department receive financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantships. Assistantship packages include a competitive stipend, tuition waiver, student feeds, and health insurance. Students dedicate 20 hours per week to their research projects and 20 hours to their coursework. Assistantships are renewable on an annual basis for students who maintain satisfactory academic standing and degree progress.
Sample Assistantship Package
- $22,500 – $25,000 per year stipend
- $9,095 in-state tuition per year
- $19,206 out-of-state tuition per year
- $3,093 health insurance for the year
*Please note that the value of assistantships can vary and are dependent on funding availability.
Applying for an assistantship is simple. When filling out your Graduate School Application, check the box to request consideration for financial assistance. Documents submitted with your application will be used to assess merit. All applicants who check this box will automatically be considered for departmental fellowships and assistantships, with no additional documentation or applications required.
The best place to start looking for financial support is through the NC State Graduate School. Browse fellowship and grant opportunities on their website. Additional financial aid is also available through University Financial Aid, filling in the gaps between educational expenses and available assets.
We Help Our Students Pursue Their Passions
More than 70% of on-campus students receive funding, including tuition and health insurance.
Available Opportunities
Research Assistantships are often awarded to graduate students interested in working on current research projects. Keep in mind that grant cycles do not necessarily coincide with application deadlines, so many opportunities are filled from the current application and student pool. For questions about specific research opportunities and available funding, contact Forest Biomaterials Faculty members about their individual projects.
Ongoing Funding Opportunities
- Hofmann Fellowship: This fellowship is awarded by the NC State Natural Resources Foundation to support the nation’s most promising scholars with education and professional growth opportunities. This fellowship can either supplement a specific project or provide general support.
- Ronald B. and Cynthia Estridge Fellowship: This fellowship was established in 2003 to recognize not only the significant contributions to the business community and educational programs by Ron and Cynthia Estridge, but also their support of the professional and personal accomplishments of NC State University graduate students. Recipient(s) must 1) be working on some aspect of paper science and engineering, 2) have earned a PSE or Chemical Engineering degree from NC State, and 3) have participated in a professional organization such as TAPPI or AIChE. These awards are in the amount of $4,000 per year, for up to 3 years for a Ph.D. student, and 2 years for a master’s student.
- William R. Poole Endowment: William R. Poole lived and farmed in Wake County and also served as a Wake County Commissioner. This endowment was established in 2004 by Frances Wynne, his great grandniece. Part of a larger gift that supports a number of students in the College of Natural Resources, this Forest Biomaterials fellowship focuses on Paper Science and Engineering. The fellowship currently provides a $6,000 award to the student, including $3,000 for professional development activities.
- Irving S. and Helen Haft Goldstein Fellowship: This fellowship was established in 1995 to recognize Professor Goldstein’s high impact teaching and research, as well as his administrative leadership (1971-1976). The fellowship supports a student working on some aspect of wood chemistry, including wood composition, chemical modification, hydrolysis, pulping, recycling and bleaching. The amount of the award is $3,000 for one year, and the recipient may reapply.
- John E. Masaschi Fellowship: John Masaschi graduated with a master’s degree in wood products in 1957. Established in 2016, this fellowship supports graduate students focused on Sustainable Materials and Technology. It provides several awards of $3,000 each for one year, and recipients may reapply.
- Richard H. Holley Fellowship: Dr. Richard Holley (‘ 65), established the Richard H. Holley Graduate Fellowship in 2002 to recognize Dr. Holley’s contributions to business and educational programs. The fellowship offers support to a graduate student enrolled in the Paper Science and Technology program. The award is in the amount of $3,000 for one year, and the recipient may reapply.
- Josef S. Gratzl Fellowship: This fellowship was established in 1999 in recognition of Professor Gratzl’s 30-year career at NC State by students, colleagues, friends, and family of Professor Gratzl. The fellowship endowment is intended to support Dr. Gratzl’s work in wood chemistry, chemistry and chemical technology of pulping, and bleaching and pulping byproducts (lignin). This fellowship awards $3,000 for one year, and the recipient may reapply.
- USDA National Needs Fellowship: This fellowship is awarded to new Ph.D. students to support the strategic initiative of the USDA to educate a workforce for the future. The support package includes a $24,500 annual stipend, health insurance, and full in- or out-of-state tuition.
- Advanced Forest Materials Fellowship: This fellowship is awarded to a new Forest Biomaterials Ph.D. student to support promising U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The support package is funded by the USDA and NC State and includes a $25,000 stipend per year, all tuition fees and health insurance for four years, and travel expenses for a research experience abroad. Candidates should be interested in the science behind converting natural forest resources to advanced materials to meet societal needs, with a background in chemistry, chemical engineering, material science, wood and paper science or other scientific area. Email Dr. Ilona Peszlen, Associate Professor of Forest Biomaterials, for more information.
- Cellulose Nanomaterials Research Assistantship: This assistantship provides full financial support to new Ph.D. students with a master’s degree in materials science, materials chemistry, polymer engineering, and chemical engineering (or equivalent degree).
- Sustainability Impact Research Assistantship: This assistantship provides full financial support to new Ph.D. students with a relevant background in business administration, marketing, materials science or other related fields, who also demonstrate a strong interest in driving innovation and competitive advantage through sustainable processes and biomaterials.
- The Global Change Fellows Program is designed to train the next generation of global change scientists by providing financial, scientific, and professional development support for graduate students who are interested in multi-disciplinary research. They come together across disciplines to discover, collaborate, and share their knowledge with diverse stakeholders. Additionally, students need to be dedicated to making the science related to climate change better, where better means more true, of a greater impact, or, as our land grant mission dictates, more ethical and just. This program is sponsored by the DOI Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center and NC State University. Applicants must be an NC State student and nominated by a SE CASC Faculty Affiliate. The nomination process begins in January of each year. View the Global Change Fellows page to learn more.
North Carolina Residency