K-12 Outreach

Seeding a Future of Sustainability
In addition to driving key state industries like wood and paper products, the Department of Forest Biomaterials provides several outreach opportunities for students of all ages interested in paper science and engineering and sustainable materials and technology.
K-12 Student Opportunities
Engineering Summer Camp
Each summer, the College of Engineering at NC State offers rising high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to experience hands-on learning through a week-long residential summer camp. This program allows students to delve a little deeper into the world of an engineer. Interested students and parents should check out the Paper Science and Engineering focused camp in the Workshop Section, specifically the “A Matter of Biomaterials – Paper Science and Engineering” workshop. Students interested in the camp must apply directly in the apply section of this page on the College of Engineering website.
Individual Lab Activities
K-12 lab activities and learning materials are available as online lab manuals. These Powerpoint presentations and support materials provide instruction for a variety of fun and educational experiments to do at home or in a group setting with common household items, such as designing a container to protect an egg, exploring how to convert grass into paper, determining how to measure the strength of paper, and more.
K-12 Teacher Opportunities
Schedule a Class Visit
Our faculty are always excited to share their knowledge around paper, biomaterials, sustainability and recycling. To schedule a school or class visit for your students, email our Career Services Coordinator at FBCareerServices@ncsu.edu. Typically faculty presentations are geared toward upper-level high school or introductory college science classes.
Professional Development Certificate Program
The Sustainable Bioproducts and Bioenergy Program provides professional development opportunities for high school teachers interested in replacing petroleum-based products and energy with plant-based, renewable products.