Study Abroad

Expanding the Borders of your Education
As part of the college experience in the Department of Forest Biomaterials, many students pursue study, internships or work abroad to gain a global perspective on innovative technology, engineering practices and sustainable resources research. Between the opportunities offered within the department and those offered by other areas at NC State, students can choose from a variety of programs that fit different interest, scheduling and budget needs, including Spring Break, summer, semester or year-long programs.
Paper Science and Engineering or Sustainable Materials and Technology specific study abroad programs with partner universities include:
- Nanjing Forestry University, home to one of the larger paper science and engineering programs in China
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) in Finland
- Universidad de Concepcion in Chile
- Aalto University in Finland
Think studying abroad is right for you? Visit the NC State Study Abroad website to explore opportunities and complete an application. Before you travel, be sure to visit the NC State Travel Clinic for comprehensive and personalized recommendations, medications and vaccinations for your trip.

Funding Study Abroad Opportunities
Our college has a strong tradition of helping support students’ participation in study abroad opportunities, including semester-long, summer and spring break programs. To be eligible for funding for study abroad, students must apply to a program through the Study Abroad Office. The deadline for summer and fall programs is November 15.
Other Student Abroad Support includes:
- The College of Natural Resources Student Assistance and Enrichment Fund is open to all undergraduate students enrolled in a College of Natural Resources major. The fund supports extra or co-curricular enrichment experiences like study abroad, high-impact internships and academic research, through scholarships and stipends.
- The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program provides scholarships to U.S. undergraduates with financial need for study abroad, including students from diverse backgrounds and students traveling to non-traditional study abroad destinations. Established under the International Academic Opportunity Act of 2000, Gilman Scholarships provide up to $5,000 for American students to pursue overseas study for college credit.
Confucius Institute Scholarships are available to non-Chinese undergraduate students who want to learn Chinese, Chinese culture or study toward a university degree in a Chinese University.