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SMTSA: The Newly Created Student-run Organization Breathing Life Into the Sustainable Materials and Technology Program

Previously known as the Wood Products major, the Sustainable Materials and Technology program has been a rich part of NC State’s history dating back to the 1960’s. After going through a rebranding in 2013, it has been providing students with the opportunity to work in a hands-on laboratory setting while applying their knowledge to a variety of concepts. Students learn about the economical, environmental, and social pillars of sustainability.  With this program ranking among the top in the nation, the expectation of excellence is clear to faculty, staff, and students. The Sustainable Materials and Technology major boasts 100% job placement within 6 months of graduation, something not many other programs can say. A new student organization, Sustainable Materials and Technology Student Association (SMTSA) is beginning to accomplish the department’s goals of drawing in new talent, promoting this amazing program, closing the gap between the faculty and students, and providing a sense of cohesiveness amongst the department.

To begin, a little background on the program itself is needed. Sustainable Materials and Technology is both a major and minor program in the Department of Forest Biomaterials at NC State’s College of Natural Resources. This program focuses on the study of biomaterials from their creation, use, and disposal. Students learn about the social, economic, and environmental impacts of different materials and how they can be improved through various technological processes. It also provides its students with small class sizes, multiple opportunities for engagement with professors, and an overall community of support. Within this program, the undergraduate students have banded together to form the first program specific club.

The Sustainable Materials and Technology Student Association is a student-led organization for Sustainable Materials and Technology majors, minors, and prospective students. The SMTSA was founded by a group of current SMT students to focus on the academic success, career development, and networking of its members. SMTSA aims to provide professional development opportunities to students, demonstrate the various career paths a degree in the program offers, and strengthen the community between Sustainable Materials and Technology students and faculty.

Emma Gandy, one of the founding students, describes the association’s three goals: 

  • To build comradery among students/faculty: social events, creating a safe space
  • Highlight/demonstrate career paths students can take with their SMT degree: there is a broad range of industries our alumni go into, providing hands-on demonstrations to students can help them choose their career path; upcoming job opportunities; seminars within related fields
  • Provide professional development opportunities for students: resume building and cover letter writing, LinkedIn/EPack profile workshops, interview skills and elevator pitches, headshots

These goals have come to life this semester with large turnouts at each of the association’s sponsored events. After speaking with some of the students, it is clear that the SMTSA was much needed for this program.

“In my entire time here we have never really had an opportunity to participate in clubs related to our major. With this opportunity we are now able to get out and help promote all of the things that make SMT great,” says one member. “The SMTSA is also helping me get to know the other students in my major. I am a shy person and having a large chunk of my college be online due to COVID, it is sometimes hard to make friends. Having these weekly meetings has made it easier for me to make friends all while being able to grow professionally.”

A great example of this can be found in one of their recent events this semester. The SMTSA hosted an Enrichment Seminar for its members. The Enrichment Seminar was a rotation of hands-on activities that demonstrated how Sustainable Materials and Technology can be used in real-world applications and careers. These activities included virtual reality 3D modeling,laminate wood product testing, and 3D printing with a cornstarch-based polylactic acid. Bella McInnes, a third-year student in the program, recalled the event, “The SMTSA Enrichment Seminar was a great opportunity to learn more about what type of research and testing my classmates are involved in. I learned how the Sustainable Materials and Technology service desk does wood testing, and learned more about 3D printing capabilities in the lab. The most exciting technology was the Gravity Sketch VR 3D modeling. I am excited to explore this technology more in Professor Ruffino’s class.”

Jaylen King, a second-year Sustainable Materials and Technology student, posted about the event on LinkedIn and said, I learned about the resources and tools that the Sustainable Materials and Technology program utilizes and met other students in the program. I would also like to invite any future Sustainable Materials and Technology prospects to an enrichment session and get a feel for the major or minor!”

SMTSA set up at Admitted Students Visitation Day

In addition to the Enrichment Seminar, the Sustainable Materials and Technology Student Association has hosted many other events including a professor panel, an alumni panel, resume and cover letter building, and interview workshops. 

The SMTSA has already made a huge impact in its short life span and they do not plan on stopping anytime soon. They plan to continue hosting events to support students in the major and minor programs, and help prospective students learn more about Sustainable Materials and Technology. “I am looking forward to seeing where they go in the next year,” said Career Services Specialist Brittany Hayes “They are doing great things for the program and I am sure they will make an even bigger impact next school year.” 

To learn more about the Sustainable Materials and Technology Student Association you can find them on Instagram at “smtsa_” or email them at

Written by: Abby Norris, FB Student Services Coordinator, and Emily Ramanata, SMT student