Paper Super Scholars…the best of the best

The excitement of attending college is a feeling that resonates amongst every wide-eyed hopeful senior as acceptance letters come rolling in. Acceptance to prestigious universities and humble small colleges alike, instill a sense of accomplishment and pride within high school students all over the country. Imaginations run wild with possibilities of where a college career can lead. Unfortunately, the price tag that accompanies all of these possibilities can be incredibly intimidating and discouraging, especially for out-of-state students, as that cost of attending established Universities, such as NCSU, is exponentially high, thus ending the possibility of enrolling. Fortunately, the College of Natural Resources’ Paper Science and Engineering program spotted this deterrent to potential out-of-state students, and took action by creating the Super Scholars Program.
Let the Process Begin
The Super Scholars Program is a means to alleviate some of the financial stresses for a select few out-of-state students, with the hopes of capturing talent to the Pulp and Paper division at NC State. It is a highly competitive process that takes applications from numerous, well qualified candidates, with the goal of awarding one of these exceptional well-rounded students a full ride scholarship for three 4-years at NC State. There are two parts to the application process, there is the initial common application, and then, there is the finalist weekend where approximately 8-10 of the most likely candidates, from out-of-state, are invited to campus and interview with a student panel, and alumni panel, to narrow down the candidates. However, that is not to say that other students will not share in some of the financial prosperity. The Pulp and Paper foundation awards the other finalists with substantial scholarships. The weekend is not all work however, the prospective students are introduced to current students, toured through our campus, shown the wolfpack paper machine, and exposed to the pulp and paper labs.

and the winner is…
The final decision is based upon a complete review of the candidate and a decision based upon who is the best fit for the program. This years decision as in past years, proved to be quite difficult, considering the utterly diverse and amazing group of students that competed for scholarship.
By guest blogger Ethan Schartz
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