December 2018 Graduation – Oh the Places You’ll Go!

On December 19, twenty students walked across a stage and became graduates of the Paper Science and Engineering program. This event was the culmination of four (or more) years of homework, exams, papers, and internships. Students were pushed and challenged steadily transforming from bright-eyed freshman to capable seniors. Graduation marks the transition from an academic to a professional career, and the attractive promise of no more homework.
The PSE program is focused on creating well-rounded professional graduates who are fully equipped to start their new careers. This includes building up soft skills such as how to work effectively in a team and dealing with someone you don’t see eye-to-eye with, skills seniors have cemented in Senior Design. When asked about advice for current undergraduate students they suggested to get as much experience with as many different companies as possible so as not to limit their options after graduation. College internships provide students with a chance to broaden their horizons before making a long term commitment. It is also important for students to work in groups and build teamwork skills that will not only help them in their education but will also carry over to laying the framework of becoming a successful leader.
One of the best things about our program is the high job placements rate and the myriad of opportunities. The students have all accepted employment with the following companies: Alex Hight, Aaron Turner, Jensen Vellaringattu, Austin Starnes, Landon DeBerry will be joining International Paper. Chase Hayhurst and Sarah Pumphrey will be joining Sonoco. Taylor Krakuszeki, Dylan Tripp, and Peyton Holste will be joining Domtar. Charles Knoll and Logan Parsons will be joining PCA. Kyle Spegal is going to Dow Chemical Company. Justin Coor has decided on Georgia Pacific. Christopher Hering and Will Mayo are joining Andritz. Joseph Pippin is going to Kemira. Thomas Keeshan will be with Loparex and Chip Benton will be joining American Indsutrial Construction. Daniel Hardy has decided to continue his education in Graduate School.
We wish them all the best of luck!
Guest Blogger Emmy Howell
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