5th Annual Class Contest Kick Offs August 1, 2019

Can your class compete? Do you have what it takes?
We are excited to announce the kick off of our 5th annual class participation contest. Hard to believe this challenge has taken off and grows every year!
Before we get started, our current need is for more class ambassadors! Contact Jennifer Piercy (jmpiercy@ncsu.edu) if you are interested in serving, especially if you are from the following class years:
1956-1965, 1969-1971, 1976, 1979
1980, 1985, 1987
1990-1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999
2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008
Our current list of ambassadors can be found here.
Contest Logistics:
- ALL gifts from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2019 will be counted in participation.
- Class ambassadors will be thanking those of you who have already made a gift and reaching out to those who have not.
- Our alumni will be updated weekly.
- The winners will also be recognized at our fall and spring events and have bragging rights for the entire year!
What YOU need to know:
Our program remains very successful!
- We will welcome 44 new freshman in less than a month, continue to maintain high enrollments, 2-3 times that of any other paper school
- Our students are academically stellar, well rounded and diverse.
- We are enjoying 100% job placement with 75%+ entering our industry.
We need alumni support to keep our program strong.
- Our industry desperately needs our graduates for its future.
- 100% of alumni contributions are used for scholarships to recruit and retain the best talent, allowing for more general budget funds to be directed towards program enhancement.
- Tuition continues to increase and government appropriations are flat (at best).
No matter where you are now, YOU benefited greatly from your PSE education!
- You received a world class technology/engineering degree.
- You were presented with great career opportunities.
- Your education went beyond the classroom (internships, personal and professional development).
We hope you will “get in the spirit” as we kick off the new school year with this drive.
Contact your Class Ambassador or Jennifer Piercy at 919-515-7709 or jmpiercy@ncsu.edu with any questions you might have.
Thanks and GO WOLFPACK!
Tim Corey (’83), Individual Giving Committee Chair
Jesse Swanner (’15), Individual Giving Committee Vice-Chair
Jennifer Piercy (’94), Executive Director
- Categories: