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New Student Orientation Welcomes the Class of 2023

First Impressions Make a Life Long Impact

Each year North Carolina State University’s incoming Paper Science Engineering class officially begin their collegiate careers with new student orientation! For many, this was the first opportunity to experience what makes the PSE program unlike any other on campus. I had the opportunity to catch up with two of our incoming freshmen to get their perspective on what new student orientation meant to them.

Making Bonds Already

Caroline Lewis, an out of state student from Knoxville, Tennessee, had this to say about her experience at new student orientation: “I am from Knoxville, TN, which is not exactly close to NC State, and I did not know anyone going to State before new student orientation. However, that is kind of the beauty of it all. From what I could tell, most in the PSE program and CNR in general did not know each other, but through small group sessions, meals, and staying in a suite overnight, I know I started to make bonds with people already. I think it was very beneficial for all of the PSE students to have dinner together after having all the one-on-one meetings with our advisors about classes. Also, a nice break to the many information sessions throughout the day, I think we all enjoyed a hands-on activity and a little competition in the ever famous egg drop challenge with a bit of a PSE twist as far as supplies are concerned. It was a great way to introduce us all to each other and begin building teamwork straight away.”

Not Quite So Nervous After Orientation

Similarly, incoming freshman Zachary Carson had an equally exciting experience at new student orientation: “Getting to know the PSE program at the new student orientation was a treat. Not only because I became even more excited about all the outlets for my future, but I loved the people. I was able to reacquaint myself with the staff who seemed beyond supportive and realistic about how college was going to be. I am now not as nervous heading into college because the incoming freshman class for PSE at NCSU seemed like topnotch people. I met students from all sorts of backgrounds, and I know that because everyone was very kind and interactive. I can not wait to get to campus and meet some of the new friends I have and dive head first into life at NC State!”

The Paper Science Engineering program is more than just a degree, it’s a family. We are very excited and proud of the class of 2023 and we look forward to their addition to the PSE family this fall!

Guest Blogger Remington Hough