Coping From Home During COVID-19

If I Knew Then What I Know Now…
Wallace Layman wishes that when he left for spring break on March 6, like many other students, and that he had known he would not be returning to campus to complete his spring semester. Wallace is extremely grateful for the support he has, and is currently receiving from his professors on campus. Wallace said, “my professors are a major help; Dr. Byrd is a huge help in making this process as comfortable as possible. He constantly checks in on us in class and sends us “cultural” videos to have “a little silliness” in every day. My chem professor, is readily available at many hours throughout the days to assist with questions. Also, my calculus professor has had numerous opportunities to ask for help and is very persistent on adapting to the changing situations. He has made a media-site for class videos and forums for us to set the profile for online lectures.”
Overcoming Challenges
As great as my professors are, there are many challenges. My biggest one thus far is separating myself from distractions. There are constantly things going on at home since everyone in my family is there, and it can pose problems. I don’t have a great place to just sit and study. I can often let the work I have to do get a little ahead of me. I quickly discovered that I had to put in place a very clear schedule. What I have found to work is, not allowing anything that involves extracurricular activities to take place before 4:00pm on weekdays. I have also asked my family to not disturb me during class times and especially during tests. Setting this schedule for myself has helped me so much, just as making my area of work outside my bedroom has. I do not enjoy the association of work with the relaxation of my bedroom.
Missing Atmosphere the Most
I miss the atmosphere of college the most, I truly miss being around campus and feeling like I am on my own, in a place that is so exciting. Being at home makes me feel like I am back in high school and I don’t appreciate that. I associate NC State with a time to dig deep, learn, and grow. At home, I associated it with comfort and relaxation. It doesn’t feel right for those two things to mix. I can’t wait to come back to campus in my next semester! Everyone stay safe and hope to see you soon!
By guest blogger Wallace Layman
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