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Alumni Spotlight: Curtis Brown – Class of ’94

Curtis L. Brown graduated from NC State in 1994 with a degree in Pulp and Paper Science Technology.  We reached out to Curtis to find out about his experiences since graduating from NC State, and what advice he would pass on to current students.  Thanks for your time Curtis.

Experience at NC State

  •  Internship/co-op experience: Weyerhaeuser Company , Plymouth, NC, Summers 1990, 1991, and 1992, Weyerhaeuser Company, New Bern, NC, Summer 1993
  • Favorite class: Wood Chemistry; Pulping Process Lab; Process Control; WINGEMS
  • Best memory at State: Getting that diploma knowing that I already had a job lined up in New Bern!!
  • Worst memory at State: Taking Chemistry tests on SATURDAYS & Pulling all nighters in the CSC lab
  • Clubs/Hobbies: Weight Lifting, Music, Video Games, No Clubs…No Other Hobbies for this introvert
  • Favorite part of PSE program: My favorite parts were taking classes under Dr. Jameel and Dr. Kirkman (who was still Mrs. Kirkman at the time).
  • Most important thing PSE taught me: The dynamics and chemistry of a paper/pulp machine. I think of myself as a skilled papermaker. NC State provided me with the skills and knowledge base to be in this position!

Current Career Information

  • Company/job position:  International Paper- New Bern, NC; Power & Recovery Business Unit Manager.
  • Years at current job: April 2015 (under Weyerhaeuser) continued in this role after the purchase of the Global Cellulose Fibers Division by International Paper in December of 2016
  • Favorite part of the job: My favorite part of my current job is building and developing young talent. I’m especially passionate about it because I feel great pride and joy seeing these individuals succeed and become promotable.
  • Biggest accomplishment in career: Of course, becoming Business Unit Manager over the area with the most expensive asset in any mill. I never envisioned being in this position 26 years ago and I am still at times in disbelief. Watching some of the daily, weekly and yearly accomplishments I have attained during this time is a tremendous accomplishment.
  • What other positions have you had: Weyerhaeuser Company; May 1994 through November 1996, Process Engineer, Machine Room Front Line Leader, Shipping Manager, Product Line Front Line Leader, Senior Process Engineer,  Product Line Operations Leader, Utilities Leader
  • Advise for current students:  Study and persevere! Don’t be afraid to ask for help and use all the support resources you have available (office hours, tutoring, etc.). Don’t party too hard because there will be plenty of time to do that after you graduate. Enjoy yourselves and relish the experience.

Personal Information

  • Hometown: Roper, NC
  • Tell us about your family: Amazing parents- Albert ( a “semi-retired” farmer) and Rosa Brown (a retired nurse) taught me what hard work looks like.  My wife of eight (8) Years – Felicia Lucas Brown is a UNC-CH graduate who I have manipulated into becoming a member of the NC State Alumni Association.  Four wonderful children and one grandchild: Brittany, 26, a resident of Raleigh, NC, and the mother of my ultra smart grandson, Andrew.  Adrian, 21, a resident of Charlotte, NC and a recent graduate of UNC-Pembroke.  Jada, 19, a current NC State student and an aspiring veterinarian…and last but not least, Lukas, a little lady’s man who is 15 years younger than his closest sibling and 3 months younger than his nephew
  • Current Hobbies: Listening to music, cooking, grilling and reading.