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The Vote Is in…Aitana Blevins is PSE Most Congenial Senior

My name is Aitana Blevins and I am from Greensboro, North Carolina. I graduated in May 2022 with a degree in Paper Science and Engineering (PSE), a minor in Economics, and a Process Control Certification. When I came to NC State I had no idea what PSE was and I did not know anyone in the program. This department welcomed me with open arms during my freshman year when I was on the hunt to find the major that fit me. The bright attitudes of students, professors, and staff always boosted my confidence and helped me feel at home during my five years at NC State.

People Are My Passion

When I was in kindergarten, my progress reports always said “nice, but very talkative.” Not much has changed since then. I have always loved getting to know people and during my five years at NC State I’ve met some of the kindest people in the PSE program. My favorite college experience has been hanging out with the PSE family whether it is in long pulping labs, tailgating at NC State football games, or working on class projects in the TAPPI lounge. All of these experiences allowed opportunities to get to know my peers and ultimately led to lifelong friendships. I can only hope that I’ve been able to give back some of the kindness and support I’ve received here to other students in the program.

It is such an honor to be nominated by my peers for the Most Congenial Senior Award. It’s easy to be congenial when you’re surrounded by the most welcoming people. The PSE class of 2022 is one of the largest graduating classes that has gone through the program, and so many students in the class deserve this award. It has been so delightful working with some of NC State’s brightest students and I can’t see what they will all accomplish next!

Guest Blogger: Anita Blevins