Student TAPPI Presents the Formal

As a junior, Bryanna Lawry, who began college in August 2020, states “my time as a TAPPI member has been shadowed by COVID.” However, with no comparison, TAPPI seemed strong and was doing well in her eyes. There were pre-nights or events 3-4 nights a week for the first two months of each fall semester and members were present, so, when Bennett Surrett the current president of TAPPI stated he wanted to revive TAPPI to its pre-COVID glory, I was confused and questioned what was missing?
Being witness to a formal dance, organized and executed by TAPPI members, I realized Bennett was not speaking of the number of events on the calendar or the participation of the members, but he was talking about camaraderie. He was speaking of creating a club, whose members know and support one another. “Members who understand the stressors and pressures each other feels and faces. We all have walked through them and my vision is to spark that strong bond of support that brings encouragement and resilience that is what has been dulled to the pandemic.”
More than a Dance…It Created a Connection
The TAPPI Formal Dance created that spark. A committee was created to plan and execute this event. Allie Temple, the TAPPI board’s Activities Co-Chair, led the group and did an incredible job. She said this of the event, “The idea for the Formal actually started during the pandemic. During one of my PSE Zoom classes, the idea for a future TAPPI Formal was mentioned. A year and a half later, as the TAPPI Activities Co-Chair, I wanted to make the Formal a reality. With the help of Bryanna Lawry, Gigi Gauthier and Autum Satterfield, we were able to plan an amazing event. We found a spectacular venue, catered food, and witnessed so much excitement brewing within the TAPPI community.”
The goal was to open this up to all TAPPI members, as over the last two years most students have not gotten the same exposure to each other due to again, the pandemic. The formal offered a chance for everyone to socialize and have fun outside of the classroom. In the weeks leading up to the Formal, there was so much talk and enthusiasm. This event brought back the energy and community TAPPI is known for.

Becoming an Annual Event
Attendees included freshman all the way up to fifth years. The invitation was open to all TAPPI members who had completed their service requirement before the event and each member was able to bring a plus one.
The goal was to give members the opportunity to connect with people outside of their cohort and the Formal presented the perfect way to do just that. After the event, Bennett stated, “I think the TAPPI Formal gave members something to look forward to after a long semester. A lot of members aren’t in Greek life so it gave them a chance to dress up and have fun with their classmates. I loved seeing everyone have fun together and I hope that this starts a tradition that will carry on.”
“Aside from saying I had an amazing time at the TAPPI Formal, it was an awesome way to meet more people and make new friends in PSE,” freshman Joe Kunego stated and he is “definitely looking forward to the next one!” The TAPPI Formal will become an annual event so that members continue to have the opportunity to create friendships outside of the many professional events that the club holds that are more so focused on industry relationships and networking rather than student bonding. While we are grateful to have the multitude of professional opportunities, the current TAPPI Executive Board sees the value in creating bonds with peers. Freshman Jack DeMola said, “The TAPPI Formal was a really fun event. It is so awesome that the PSE program is such a tight knit community that everyone was able to come together and enjoy the night. I enjoyed meeting other students and upperclassmen.”

Guest blogger Bryanna Lawry
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