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Byrd and Bear 5K: Using Obstacles to Leave a Mark

What do you do when faced with a disability leaving you with social interaction difficulties….and attending one of the largest public universities? For Ryan Byrd, he decided to take control and use his challenges to raise awareness and help fund research for everyone affected. Here is a bit about the 5K he started and his thoughts on autism in today’s world:

“I started the Byrd and Bear 5k with my friend Sophie from high school because I wanted to help others that went through similar struggles that I did. It is on April 6th (Autism Awareness month) and all proceeds go to the Autism Society of NC.”

Ryan and Sophie smiling as they stuff race bags.

What inspired you to come up with this idea?

Ryan: The inspiration to start came from the desire to leave something behind and do something that mattered.

Why a 5K?

Ryan:  I wanted to do something that related to my interests. I ran XC and track, so the 5k seemed to be the ideal.

What has this event meant to you?

This event has really just been a way to grow community and give to those who are in less fortunate circumstances.

What would you like to share about autism to raise awareness and better understanding?

Autism is much more common than you would expect. 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with it a year. It can be incredibly hard to handle social situations or emotions for someone diagnosed with autism.

What have you learned from planning / implementing this event?

I really just learned to be able to give direction and work with others better. I got a lot of problem solving skills, and, planning an event of a relatively large scale, allowed me to reach out to places and people I normally wouldn’t.

If interested in supporting or participating in the upcoming Byrd and Bear 5K, please click below:

Racers shown at the finish line.
Ryan and Sophie in front of sponsorship sign at event.