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PSE TAPPI Intramurals–Get Involved!

Abby Hickmon–The NC State chapter of TAPPI, the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, is a very active club with numerous opportunities for its members – including pre-nights with companies, mentorship programs, and many volunteer experiences. Furthermore, TAPPI has many Intramural, IM,  Sports teams. This semester, their teams include volleyball, kickball, and ultimate frisbee. The TAPPI Intramural teams meet most weeks for games with other IM teams around campus. Currently, I am on the kickball and ultimate frisbee team. The kickball team has games every Tuesday at 8:30pm and the frisbee team has games on Fridays, alternating between 5pm and 6pm.

I discovered this opportunity in my first semester. As a freshman, I was eager to get involved as much as possible, while still maintaining a school-life balance. These teams were a perfect fit because they allowed me to take a break from schoolwork and have fun with my classmates. However, the time commitment was small so I still had time for my other commitments. Through this, I have been able to meet many upperclassmen that I would not have otherwise had the opportunity to get to know. Meeting upperclassmen has allowed me to learn more about future classes and professors. They have also been able to answer many of my questions about the industry and help me understand what an internship or co-op may look like. Getting to know the upperclassmen also creates a family environment that is very unique to this program. I have been able to form bonds that go beyond the classroom and have met a group of people who celebrate my victories and pick me up when I’m down.  

While I do these teams mainly for fun, I have learned valuable skills. I had to learn effective time management, so I would be able to balance school work and be able to be there for games. Additionally, I had to work on communication skills, before, during, and after the game. Finally, I had to focus on teamwork. As this is the first time anyone played together, a team mentality was essential to play well.

This is one of the many great opportunities that NCSU’s chapter of TAPPI offers. I highly suggest students of Paper Science and Engineering get involved because it is an enjoyable way to meet classmates and build valuable skills.

Abby Hickmon is a dual PSE/Chem E major Class of ’27 and from Lexington, VA.