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Awards and Honors

SMT Banquet group photo

Oct 26, 2019

13th Annual Sustainable Materials & Technology Undergraduate Banquet

Written by guest blogger: Max Craft, SMT Class of ’20 Every fall, students in the Sustainable Materials & Technology (SMT) program, their parents, faculty, staff, and donors come together for…

Joe Sagues DOE Fellowship

Sep 24, 2019

Forest Biomaterials Joe Sagues Awarded Prestigious U.S. DOE Fellowship

Joe Sagues, a NC State University PhD student in the Department of Forest Biomaterials, was awarded a fellowship from the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR)…

byrd blessis

Aug 2, 2019

Byrd receives Blessis Advisor Award

Dr. Medwick V. Byrd, associate teaching professor and undergraduate coordinator for the paper science and engineering program, has been announced as the recipient of this year’s George H. Blessis Outstanding…

Mary Valverde

May 2, 2019

Achieving Sustainable Success

In the College of Natural Resources, graduating senior Mary Paz Alvarez Valverde discovered a passion for understanding “trash” and its significance in today’s world.

senior award

Apr 26, 2019

Most Congenial Senior Award Goes to…

This year’s “Most Congenial Senior Award” goes to none other than Kable Young! He might have been surprised to win this award, but for those who know him, it comes…

Wolf statue

Apr 23, 2019

Early-Career Faculty Win Prestigious NSF Awards

Nine NC State faculty members have received one of the highest honors given by the National Science Foundation to early-career researchers.

NC State Gateway

Apr 18, 2019

2018-19 Faculty, Staff and Safety Awards

The 2018-19 school year wraps up with several honors awarded to Forest Biomaterials faculty, staff, & safety stewards.  The department would like to recognize these individuals for their expertise and…

Dr Byrd featured

Mar 12, 2019

Dr. Med Byrd Receives First Departmental PASSION Award

The Forest Biomaterials Department Head office has instituted a new annual recognition for faculty and staff, the PASSION award. Each year, the Department Head office will recognize the member of…


Mar 12, 2019

Yao receives prestigious NSF CAREER award

Dr. Yuan Yao is the recipient of the National Science Foundation career award, the most prestigious award for early career faculty.

talley student

Jul 16, 2018

Phillips Family Leadership Award

The Phillips Family Leadership Incentive is endowed by Dr. Richard Phillips (’64, ’66 MS, ’70 PHD)which provides a unique opportunity for students to enhance career opportunities and leadership skills by…