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The Phillips’ Family Leadership Incentive Award Winners Announced

The Phillips Family Leadership Incentive is endowed by Dr. Richard Phillips (’64, ’66 MS, ’70 PhD) and his late wife, Mary Phillips. The endowment given by the Phillips family was created to recognize paper science and engineering students who show a strong interest in business and professional success. The recipients of this award are to demonstrate academic achievement, strong leadership, and service within their community. This leadership incentive allows for paper science and engineering students to pursue a business administration minor from the Poole College of Management at NC State.

Before coming to NC State, Dr. Phillips retired as the Senior Vice President – Technology and Manufacturing from International Paper. Dr. Phillips is currently an Adjunct Professor and the Executive in Residence in the Department of Forest Biomaterials at NC State. He teaches and consults with our faculty, staff and students to elevate the level of our courses and curricula, research, teaching and outreach. He is also an expert consultant in our industry.

Making Futures Brighter

Each  spring, rising juniors and seniors are given the opportunity to apply for this prestigious award. This year, the Phillips Family Leadership Incentive was awarded to four outstanding students in the Paper Science and Engineering program. Congratulations to our 2021-2022 recipients, Kyra Attridge, Tressa Glackin, Matthew Klassa & Natalie Laux.

Kyra Attridge

I first learned of the Phillips Family Leadership Incentive my junior year of high school when I toured my local paper mill and was introduced to the PSE program at NC State.  Not only did I fall in love with the paper industry that day, but I also learned the impact having a strong foundation in business can have on an engineer. In my 12 months of work experiences, while what I have learned in my paper classes has made me a good intern, my deeper understanding of the ins and outs of the industry from my business classes have made me a good engineer. I am immensely honored to be recognized as a leader in our program and to have received this award and am equally grateful to Dr. Phillips and his family.

As an out-of-state and first-generation college student, this award is removing the financial burden of my senior year, allowing me to focus on academics and embrace my final stretch of undergrad before emerging into the workforce. Thanks to the Phillips’ generosity, I will now also have the economic freedom to further my business education and pursue an MBA later in my career. I am also looking forward to developing as a professional by working closely with Dr. Phillips on a business-related project. Between the skills I develop from the project, the knowledge from my engineering and business classes, and my work experience, I will be able to quickly progress in my career into a managerial position. I could not be more thankful for receiving this scholarship and all the other help from our PSE program along the way and am eager to pay it forward.

Tressa Glackin

One important part of paper science is how well the program prepares its students to enter and excel in industry, which includes moving up to management positions within mills. I knew, even in my freshman year, that my career goals included fulfilling those expectations and becoming a leader in a mill and in industry, and that learning about business would help accomplish this. The service aspect of this award is also incredibly important to me because I know how prevalent teamwork is within the pulp and paper industry, and I know that I could not have gotten where I am today without the help and support of all the people in my life. This award is an incredible opportunity to continue pursuing that knowledge and to become even more involved with the PSE program.

As an out of state student, especially one with siblings that have also gone through college and even continued their education beyond undergrad, I cannot even begin to explain how financially helpful this award is. I am so honored to be selected as a recipient, and I look forward to continuing to learn more about leadership, service, and professional success.

Matthew Klassa

Being selected as one of this year’s recipients is a significant honor for me. When I entered college, I looked up to the student leaders in our program who received this award. I aspired to serve our campus community and give back to our program like they had done, but I never fully believed that I was capable of serving and leading as much as they did. However, to be selected as one of this year’s recipients gives me a fresh boost of confidence. It is incredibly gratifying to be recognized by my professors and fellow volunteers. Additionally, it also reminds me of my obligation to continue serving and acting as a role model for incoming students. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and honor!

Furthermore, one of my professional goals is to be a leader in our industry, and this award will help me to achieve this. By enabling me to add a business minor to my dual degree, this award gives me the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the different aspects of businesses. This type of understanding will prove invaluable in earning the trust of my future peers and mentors.  I can build on this foundation of trust to lead and serve in my future roles. While this award will significantly help me in the immediate future financially, perhaps even more importantly it will set me up for success in reaching my long-term goals.

Natalie Laux

Coming up on my final year here at NC State I have taken some time to reflect on my journey here and those who have traveled it with me. With that comes the need to thank my family, who has supported me in all my endeavors, and the PSE program, who has become my family and helped me to grow and learn in ways I never could have imagined.

Whenever I tell someone that I am majoring in Paper Science Engineering they generally ask what it is and how I found it. As far as the how part of that question goes, well, I did not find it but rather it found me. I did not know what I was going to do past the idea of being an engineer, but once I was introduced to the world of paper I fell in love. In love with the chemistry, the complicated manufacturing process, the faculty, and all the students that made NC State feel like home. Without PSE I do not know where I would be right now, but I cannot imagine anything better than where I am.

The opportunity to apply for scholarships specific to my field has been an immense assistance to me personally. As someone paying for their own education a huge scholarship like this is simply unimaginable and a huge blessing. With the financial assistance of this scholarship, I will be able to continue my involvement and leadership with TAPPI and my campus ministry while graduating debt-free. Thank you to everyone who makes this endowment possible. It means more than you can imagine.

A Sincere Thank you…

Our paper science and engineering program is truly made world class by the many individuals and companies who give of their time, talents and treasures.  A sincere thank you is in order for Dr. Phillips and his family for this generous and creative endowment. This scholarship has increased the awareness and need for engineers with business skills and significantly impacted the number of students pursing business minors and courses.

By guest bloggers: Kyra Attridge, Tressa Glackin, Matthew Klassa & Natalie Laux