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Ryan Barnes - Five Questions with Process Engineer Ryan Barnes - Forest Biomaterials NC State University

Feb 1, 2021

Five Questions with Process Engineer Ryan Barnes

A scholarship enabled Ryan Barnes to graduate from the College of Natural Resources in 2016 with degrees in paper science and engineering and chemical engineering. He’s now using the skills he gained at NC State as a process engineer for Cree Inc., a North Carolina-based manufacturer of semiconductor products.

Belltower - Fall Board Meeting and Career Fair Move online - Forest Biomaterials NC State University

Jul 27, 2020

Fall Board Meeting and Career Fair Move Online

With mixed emotions, we have decided to take our Fall Pulp and Paper Advisory Board Meeting and our Paper Industry Career Fair 100% online. While we know this is the…

Madeline Newton

Mar 26, 2020

Alumni Spotlight: Madeline Newton

Madeline Newton graduated from NC State in 2016 with a B.S. in Sustainable Materials & Technology (SMT). She is a Project Manager on the construction team at Ecoplexus, a utility-scale solar…

Kristen Young

Feb 8, 2020

Alumni Spotlight – Kristen Young ’19

Kristen Young graduated from NC State in 2019 with dual degrees in Paper Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering, she also earned a minor in Business Administration.  She currently works as…

Tiago tissue lab

Dec 9, 2019

Tiago de Assis, Ph.D. – Class of ’19

Tiago de Assis, Ph.D. in Forest Biomaterials, began his post-doctoral career with the international chemical industry giant Kemira in the Summer of 2019. He will work out of Atlanta, GA…

byrd blessis

Aug 2, 2019

Byrd receives Blessis Advisor Award

Dr. Medwick V. Byrd, associate teaching professor and undergraduate coordinator for the paper science and engineering program, has been announced as the recipient of this year’s George H. Blessis Outstanding…

Dr Byrd featured

Mar 12, 2019

Dr. Med Byrd Receives First Departmental PASSION Award

The Forest Biomaterials Department Head office has instituted a new annual recognition for faculty and staff, the PASSION award. Each year, the Department Head office will recognize the member of…

Jamie Stapleton

Feb 20, 2019

Alumni Spotlight: Jamie Stapleton

What was your favorite thing about NC State? I really loved how you are always receiving valuable information. Once you’re out of school, it’s no one’s job to teach you. It’s…

oculus vr

Feb 20, 2019

Emerging Opportunities and Jobs in the Bioeconomy

The next wave of world economic activity will require an infusion of new talent – young people interested in the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math – but not necessarily those taking a traditional path in higher education.…

Elijah Gore - Class of '12 - Forest Biomaterials NC State University

Jan 9, 2019

Elijah Gore – Class of ’12

Elijah Gore graduated from NC State in 2012 with a dual degree in Paper Science & Chemical Engineering. We reached out to Elijah to find about his current career, and advice…