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Forest Biomaterials Newsletter

Cooperative Extension CLT Feasability Study Participants

Dec 17, 2019

CLT: The Future of Residential Timber Construction

This year, the Wood Products Cooperative Extension team embarked on a new project — a feasibility study — using Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) for residential construction. The project is funded…

NC State Sign

Dec 13, 2019

3 Awards for Dr. Yao’s Sustainability Systems Analysis Lab

This fall, three PhD students from Dr. Yuan Yao’s Sustainability Systems Analysis Lab were awarded for their research poster Darlene Echeverria, The American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) XIX…

NC State Gateway

Dec 12, 2019

Building a Culture of Safety

Research Operations Manager Barbara White is dedicated to a culture of safety, leading by example. Before arriving at NC State in 2005 she built a career managing analytical laboratories, including USDA’s…

Tiago tissue lab

Dec 9, 2019

Tiago de Assis, Ph.D. – Class of ’19

Tiago de Assis, Ph.D. in Forest Biomaterials, began his post-doctoral career with the international chemical industry giant Kemira in the Summer of 2019. He will work out of Atlanta, GA…

Mary Kathryn

Dec 1, 2019

Mary Kathryn Wallace – Class of ’19

Mary Kathryn Wallace graduates December 2019 at the top of her class with an undergraduate degree in both Paper Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering as well as a minor…

CNR hosts Goldsboro High School

Nov 25, 2019

Goldsboro High School Students Level-up their Biology & Chemistry Experience with a Visit to Pulp & Paper Labs

On November 18th, the College of Natural Resources hosted fifteen biology and chemistry high school students from Goldsboro High School in a day of exploring natural resources careers and bioproducts…

career fair

Oct 31, 2019

More Than 50 Employers Connect With Forest Biomaterials Students

The first ever College of Natural Resources (CNR) Career Fair was hosted on October 17, 2019 in partnership with NC State’s Career Development Center. More than 50 companies and 425 students…

SMT Banquet group photo

Oct 26, 2019

13th Annual Sustainable Materials & Technology Undergraduate Banquet

Written by guest blogger: Max Craft, SMT Class of ’20 Every fall, students in the Sustainable Materials & Technology (SMT) program, their parents, faculty, staff, and donors come together for…


Oct 15, 2019

Reconnecting at the Society of Wood Science and Technology Convention

On October 20-25th, 2019 professionals and students from all across the world met in Yosemite National Park to celebrate the 62nd Annual International Society of Wood Science and Technology Convention.…

Joe Sagues DOE Fellowship

Sep 24, 2019

Forest Biomaterials Joe Sagues Awarded Prestigious U.S. DOE Fellowship

Joe Sagues, a NC State University PhD student in the Department of Forest Biomaterials, was awarded a fellowship from the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program…